
hooray mechanical web shooters!! .. what the eff.. are those.. yes.. they cant be.. red LED webshooters?! had me.. lost me :/

season two of fringe was great.. three lost me.. and i haven't bothered to watch any more

hey there's a late 70's/ early 80's chevy in the mix *heart*

was uDraw not correctly marketed? this is the first time I've heard of it. it sounds pretty neat.

Beetle 10.. it's not for women!

that wouldn't flow

i miss out on so much pouring the powder into the mug first, followed by hot milk/water :(

bite between the bones at the "corners" = two easy eatin "drummies" .. you'll never eat wings faster

public domain superheroes.. such as the Unsueable Arachnikid?

the wall would look great in a bathroom / tiled shower

missing this?

if you have time to check in to foursquare.. you have time to text "made it ma, <3 u k bye"

What does this mean for Gamefly?

this image can be used to teach children about the joy of dialup. seriously had flashbacks watching each row be drawn in!

just. amazing.

i'd also like to toss out [www.meet-meme.com] into the business card discussion. Seems a really fun take on the whole thing.

cloud based life, but the planet is too destructive.. THIS. IS. AWESOME.

*sigh* i wish it were Jon Hamm

well that's what happens when you have everything possible made in China.. they learn.

i do this for granola bars and oatmeal. now my bottom file cabinet is stocked with food and automatically replenishes itself :D