wait what... is the last sentence of this for real!?
wait what... is the last sentence of this for real!?
"buy a crosscut shredder" - any suggestions on brand/etc?
while not on an auto forum, who could forget the woman who won a Toyota, but was given a "Toy-Yoda" .. she was not pleased
whaaaa?! no mention of the Terrible Thunder Lizards?!
i use my jellyfish.com coffee mug almost every day :]
probably x10 in price.. but they are so badass :]
i miss jellyfish.com :'(
if you have money to burn on a project like this. go all out and get some near invisible wall speakers. [www.sonance.com]
directions say to shake it brah
that's a nasty looking burger
reality hits you hard bro :(
i prefer this! [jalopnik.com]
s10, sonoma, tacoma.. same thing in the 90's ;]
but it's a corvette, camaro, and s10
actually would have even liked to see Diedrich Bader
the prick from the OC is batman?! what in the eff?!!
the commercial actually features two sisters, and their real life dad.
this commercial always flares up my allergies
you think you have no use.. but here are the uses of the three i bought: