
for the game, i don't know if teck is hosting. but when i saw he was on CN i was like.. WHOA!

there is another picture to this story.. as you can see the reflection of the dog. www.thechive.com

Looking close you can see waves in the passenger side the most. Trick is to use a BOLD paint, so people focus on the car as a whole and not the fine details. CP

flawless?! i can see dings and waves in the heavily photoshopped pics. the paint looks about 8 layers too thick.

and it is hosted by TECK from the Real World

"I'm not one for replacing such a vital part of the computer that isn't usually replaced..."

big fan of the chrome and android tweetdeck. Only downside, it does not show facebook messages so i still have to check FB every now and then.

what, it's not pronounced as Patrick's Siren? WEE WOOO WEEE WOOOO

select "/gallery/1"

the latest halo, i think? stopped after 2

i don't hate you

are you still there?

WHOA, I was expecting "meh" and he was practically quartered. Check out his elbows.. arms almost torn right off.

That's how people from Chicago think they can drive ;]

i guess spoons and knives are banned

they do make usb hubs :P