
whaaaaat why you hatin on the saab-aru?

oh i thought you were referencing The Lost World: Jurassic Park

i've never understood who ate all the people, or why the random arms

wait, not even the ship's hull was #raptured

they are not screws, they are dry-wall auger type anchors [www.amazon.com]

in the future, way oversize the anchors. no TV is 75lbs, yet that is the rating on the anchor. did you have the auger type anchor?

lot of factors go in to that rating, that's just the size I use. 75lbs is pullout strength perpendicular to the wall, not downward.

agreed, but for the times when a stud isn't an option. i've hung heavier things than a tv with these anchors.

Those anchors have a pull out strength of 75lbs+

don't forget to use this AWESOME wall anchors

interesting fact about Wisconsin, it is ILLEGAL to drive a car with collector plates in January

Camping already predicted wrong in '94

wait, someone finally created internet credits? I am totally cashing in all of the "+1 internets"

you can't fire me.. i quiiiiiiiit

Instantly throught of LittleDuploPlanet (see what I did there?)

more like the crown vicher-oh-heeelllll-no

yea, jalopnik fail... AGAIN

WRX, no contest

My google search resulted in NOTHING. Dateline alternative for Windows?

vinyl wrap came a long way!