
this explains everything... or nothing..or everything.. O.o #tinfoilhat

soo it's like uncharted?

my optometrist uses that to check out meh eyeballs (after dilation to take topographical image of something or other)! at least, the red circles image looks the same.

oh don't get me started on her. not a fan

had no idea "walter" had an accent.. kind of blew my mind

surprised? uhhh PSN is down. problem solved. #fixed

clicked to original link and watched the video "Marcie Cipriani Reports On Fayette Ninja." I am hoping for more ninja stories, but i have no idea what she said at all.. too distracted

Another (especially on the Captivate) is to disable auto-rotate. #tips

Now playing

never played, but the defective units reminded me of GIR (Invader Zim)

@Matthew Rogers

Like you I use the FedEx/UPS code. It's why I am bummed Ensenda isn't supported.. Yet?

he was awesome as deadpool in hulk vs wolvering

i've yet to play co-op.. ugh! i'm mipakr on PSN if you need a new buddy.

1 year - Portal 3

fallout on the uncharted engine :D

watched fringe friday after skipping the whole fake nemoy accent (i just couldn't deal) and it was awesome! sometimes the acting is just so bad.

everything except Ensenda :(

I've used Plasti Dip on my ever growing key fob collection. They even have a "make your own color" kit. [www.amazon.com]

that's the third time time this week that Red Green was brought up in completely different scenarios.. this should be on #io9 because it's too big of a coincidence to not be a conspiracy