@Scooter04: because captain america is all about blending in and being subtle /sarcasm
@Scooter04: because captain america is all about blending in and being subtle /sarcasm
@Eddard: don't forget about the troops behind him.. diggin the style
yup.. that looks home made /sarcasm
why are most just "hats" while mario and luigi use the "face" of the mushroom.. needs a better version two update
@WarpedCore: truth
quick jump on the furniture, the floor is hot lava!!!
how did i miss this question?! late submittal. (drunkest city in america)
@thehouserules: making a filter.. maaaaking a fiiilter
postponed until september?! but all the people who believe in sci-fi will be whisked away in may!
@zerofritz: he is a recurring voice on robot chicken though o.O
you missed part of the intro
have only unhooked my nintendo family of systems for moving and upgrading tvs. disappointing that most let it sit in a closet waiting for a perfect day
@Bender123-MST3K 4 LIFE: worst part.. the TERRIBLE frontier commercials.. ugh
goodbye precious 7+ minutes of my life
"See a link?"
couldn't even watch the whole trailer.. ouch
@zerofritz: ha!
@MaximusDM: my puny single mind is blown
Ang Lee Hulk was SO MUCH better than Norton Hulk
watch out, they can jump!