
created by a design student?! you don't say! /sarcasm

@tim rogers: i'm just hurt you didn't have the clip "big apple three am." 16-bit, hands down, anything from DKC (1,2,3)

@Effin' Eh: eh, wing zero is overrated

@Norbs: we will all have lower back problems sitting at our computers all day ;]

this belongs on thechive.com

three years from now, no. 2013 is just over 2 years away, but it won't matter because the mayans are always ruining our fun.

winter tires = driving like a dick in the snow (i do it too)

i will not watch the video as i would rather imagine deathscythe gundam attacking the snow

TMNT:4TiT is not 8-Bit

you had me until "brick a brack"

his scott pilgrim trailer is better than the movie itself

go team venture!!!

i read "fisher price" and instantly grew nostalgic of my first daily driver.

@2bad4u: an article listing best anything USUALLY has links to pages to download/purchase said items. i've used the internet for more than 2 seconds and know "uh.. google"

little disappointed there are no product links