Welcome to Star Trek. In its 50 year history, it’s never been particularly concerned with continuity. It’s not the 60s anymore, and production values improve. I, for one, can’t wait.
Welcome to Star Trek. In its 50 year history, it’s never been particularly concerned with continuity. It’s not the 60s anymore, and production values improve. I, for one, can’t wait.
The producers and CBS have said this is Prime timeline. The tech and uniform design is pretty much taking the same page from Enterprise: Following an aesthetic which fits Trek without being hamstrung by the design constraints and budgets of 1964.
I’ve been a pass traveler, too, but I’ve seen this policy enacted in wildly different ways from site to site (and from agent to agent). If you’re going to have a policy, it shouldn’t be selectively applied, and a company should always be very careful not to criticize the apparel of younger children.
And paying them.