
How come women can’t go sleeveless when Paul Ryan is allowed to go spineless?

Intersectional Feminist Writer: Ugh, I can’t even with these people who won’t wake up and see the sexism all around them!

So did you survive?

You need to dress for your job...

So, when Scalia died, all my friends were like, WHOO HOO! PARTY TIME IN AMERICA! I quietly said nothing, and although I agreed with the sentiment that the SCOTUS and country are better off without him anywhere near a position of power, I recognized that he was still a human person deserving of basic human dignity (we


seriously, fuck you bitter jerks.

From my understanding, Mike Pence never dines alone with a T. Rex.

some pretty [sic] burns there, aunt viv.

I think that making excuses for the racist Trump supporters needs to stop.

Oh so he was just method acting his way into sexual assault, okay. That makes it fine, he’s just really, really professional.

In my closet. At my funeral or divorce  I want to rig it to fly out on a wire like a ghost.

In terms of the eShop, I strongly recommend Shovel Knight if you have any love or nostalgia for older NES-style games. I played on 3DS, but nonetheless, it's one of the few games I've felt truly compelled to play through to the end in a single weekend. I usually get bored or try to stretch them out, but I loved every