
This sums up the entirety of my feelings about Lana Del Rey.

I was just about to post the same thing!

Does anyone with a background in law know what the legal implications are if you refuse to respond over this? I know there’s a potential $5000 fine if you won’t respond, but do they enforce that? I say every single LGBTQ person in this country refuse to respond because they aren’t represented on it and they can have a

I still have nightmares about coming home to hay on my walls.

Haha, I can’t tell if you combining Xavier and Magneto (bald magnet man) was a joke or a mistake.

Shouldn’t the translation say Princess Toadstool, since that’s what she was known as in 1985?

You mean beyond being paid by Jezebel? Who exactly would be paying him? Gilliad? This is obviously not information that makes them look good (even though it should be because it prooves it’s like 99.9999...% effective.

Less educated about it (many people first hear about PrEP during an annual checkup). Less likely to be insured. Probably a host of other systemic issues.

They just broke up. I think that might be what inspired the, admittedly, stupid tweet.

I had never read an Archie comic before this run and I couldn’t believe how immediately captivated I was with it. Every week that it comes out, it’s the first or second new comic I read.

She has never once looked sexy.

If Rob Lowe is the star of a regular TV show and they don’t have someone on staff to cut his hair every “episode” then Rob Lowe needs a new agent.

Not necessarily that easy for them, based on what kind of contract his label has with Sony. Now, if they really wanted to, could they make all of this really ugly for him to pressure him to just let go? Sure. But it’s likely not as simple as them saying she’s magically off his label and on another of theirs.

Any word on if the letter is included? I’m sure everyone will just Google what to do if it’s not, but they really should give you some way to beat the game without cheating.

You definitely don’t have to have read Aftermath, you don’t even have to have seen The Force Awakens. Bloodlines was one of the best EU stories I’ve ever read while Aftermath is almost unreadable. Not only was it one of the worst pieces of EU material I’ve ever read, it was one of the worst books I’ve ever read,

Very happy to see that this game is based on the current IDW comic series (or at least the character designs are). I’ll be picking this one up.

They are not necessary in any way, shape or form. Literally nothing from them is referenced. If she’s seen the good trilogy, she’s all set, and even then I think someone could easily enjoy this movie if they went in blind.

I actually found this issue average at best. No where near the quality of Star Wars, Darth Vader or Lando. Probably on par with the decent Princess Leia series.

I got an NES sometime around my fourth birthday in 1989. We were pretty poor, so I only ever owned the Super Mario Bros./DuckHunt cartridge and rented or borrowed all of the other games I played on the system. While Super Mario Bros. 3 will always be my favorite, due to way too many hours spent playing it with my

I know this piece is meant as satire, but THANK YOU SO MUCH for calling out The Dark Knight Returns as the steaming pile of shit that it is. I have literally never read anything that I WTF?ed at more, and this was after literally everyone told me I had to read it when I asked for good Batman story suggestions. It is