
Are you fucking kidding me that Greg Land is back on X-Men? How does that talentless hack keep getting work?!?!

That’s for reminding me that the Special Editions are not, in fact, just a bad dream that I’ve spent the better part of twenty years trying to forget.

Delta is the fucking worst. I had a terrible flight with them last year (after missing my actual flight because they closed the door 15 minutes early) and being subjected to this video made me want to murder someone.

It’s on a weird schedule that gets less frequent as it goes on, to allow all of the tie in series time to tell their stories. I believe the 8 issues come out through sometime in September.

If you want to get it on Amazon, wait until the Vol. 1 paperback comes out in September. Otherwise get the four issues at a local comics/hobby shop (they’ve all had a bunch of reprintings and should be easy to find), or just buy them on Comixology.com and read them on a tablet. Also be sure to check out the Darth

I'm really enjoying the Star Wars and Darth Vader series, and I could rarely get into any of the old Dark Horse series. They seem much more essential than anything Dark Horse ever did.

So was it not established by '93 that Mario is actually punching up on the blocks with his fist and not his head, or is this "personality guide" just flawed?

That remote is the biggest piece of shit I've ever purchase. It's design is awful and wobbly, it doesn't work through Blue Tooth like the 360 one did and it's missing half the buttons you'd need to make it useful. I think it's the first 1-star review I've ever given on Amazon. I returned it and found a universal

What's your contact info? I have some figures I've been considering having touched up.

Nope. The new Thor is a woman, she isn't the current Thor transformed into a woman, so until the woman behind the hammer is confirmed to be a princess, Thor is not a Disney princess.

Can someone identify all of the games with screengrabs featured in this article? By saying "I bet you didn't even know this game existed" and then showing a picture with no other information, you are doing a disservice to us all.

I want to like these Square Enix figures because they offer so much more articulation than the DC Collectables line, but there's just something off about all of them. This Batman's chest just looks comically big, like that Leifeld Captain America image from the mid-90s. I remember the Harley Quinn figure from the

Mega Man 1-6 from NES are all already available for the 3DS and have been for a while. No 7 though!

How the fuck is Shadows of the Empire not included? A fantastic novel and a cultural phenomenon when it and all the related tie ins were released.

Jason Aaron is writing it. Mark Waid just wrote the #0 issue.

Sorry, I mistyped, I meant X-Force #3. All New X-Factor has, thus far, been awesome and I have full faith in Peter David that the series will be consistently be amazing.

I love the X-Factor #7 cover, but this new series is abysmal. I got #3 last week and couldn't even make it all the way through. Spurrier's dialogue is a dense mess and completely derails any plot or action.

Was it really up for speculation that Ridley might be one of the bosses? I thought Sakurai saying "Other stages will have boss characters too" while Ridley's shadow flew across the Metroid stage made that pretty obvious.

Thanks for going back to this point. The inclusion of the koopalings is what upgraded this game to a Must Own for me. My Mario obsession began with Super Mario Bros. 3 and, except for in recent years, I've always been disheartened by their lack of presence in any major games after Super Mario World.

It's a shame they decided to only upload this trailer in 720p, because it looks like absolute shit. The game clearly has some pretty stunning graphics, but I guess it will be a while before we actually see them.