
PureOne, or Wix, or Napa Gold, also finding any of these in an automotive store for a Subaru in the Detroit area is like needle in a hay stack lol, so now it’s Wix via Amazon

haha, yea I figured this out as a kid in the back seat on road trips.

Jerry! nice to see you on here buddy lol, completely agree with your assessment. I’d rather buy former FSAE cars for that kind of $$$

To be fair to many I doubt any of us (that drive a manual) actually even look at the numbers and only need to look for where the reverse is located.

I’m actually not that tall, my misunderstanding. I got hung up on your statement in parenthesis (and you’d be entitled to think they should).

you’ve got some reading comprehension to work on as well no where in my comment did I state they should expect someone to give up their seat.

As a law student you have some issues with reading comprehension. May want to re-read it.

If people don’t want the seats to recline into your “personal space” just go fly with spirit (or some other budget airline) and you won’t come across the issue.

I’d pick 350 hp with 30 mpg over the 95 hp with 60 mpg thank you very much!

It would with absolute certainty improve the efficiency of the HCCI engine.

There’s also fantastic mustard based sauces, for example Lotties (yellow) is one of my favorites (you’ll see it on old episodes of Hot Ones on youtube).

a blown headgasket should create smoke and all sorts of prior indicators before seizing in all seriousness. However the chance is there and therefore shouldn’t be driven. This is just my opinion and from what I’ve learned over the years. If it even has a chance to be a 9/10 on a DFMEA it’s a big deal.

This can potentially lead to a seized engine? If this potentially happened to have an engine failure while on the highway traveling at speed?

This is however a potential engine failure level recall. This has to be addressed accordingly. When the safety of the consumer along with the safety of other drivers & passengers are in question this needs to be fixed immediately.

The Reliant Robin TG was obviously scripted and fake as well, but I sure as hell laughed my ass off the entire bit.

Not a single mention of why aim assist is on PC? Or even why it doesn’t get disabled for PvP?


Actually you could assign them to control groups you would select x units and then good ctrl with a number 1-5? I think going off memory forget what the cap was.

Well early game the Greeks didn’t have much advantage unless playing near the water. However once you hit bronze? & got a hoplite and then further into iron with phalanx and centurians they shine. Or with their ships.