
I’ve seen people take their PT Cruiser Autocross first hand. Are they Asshats? I highly doubt the engineers, vehicle designer, program manager ever even considered it would be autocrossed. So what if someone takes a car out of it’s intended elements and beats the snot out of it.

I have a Sport Touring bike however everyone just thinks it’s this uber fast crotch rocket. My VFR800 is much slower than 600cc sport bikes...

You can utilize the sun visor, A pillar, or rear view mirror etc. to help shield your eyes. Not as much to help block your visor when on a bike. Also the time period of the sun being between your sun visor in your car, and it being above or below the horizon so it isn’t a factor is shorter.

Good advice.

Your other left

In some ways I agree it is legitimate, in others it’s just another excuse why they will go out and purchase a Honda, Yamaha, Kawi instead. I can get a used “X” instead of an 1190 new.

Ford owned the patent and they currently do in Europe (Look up a Euro Ford Kuga or something). Land Rover does it for the entire windshield as well which is sold in the US.

Ford in Europe have entire windshields that have heating elements (like Land Rovers). Subaru, Toyota, FCA (Jeep Cherokee’s for example) do the de-ice grid to defrost the wipers.

exactly, or they’ll say how it costs too much and they’d buy it used not new or some other excuse.

Being that I’ve only been riding for a few years now, once someone hears that I haven’t gone down outside a parking lot they tell me it’s only a matter of time etc.

There’s not many things I want in my life more than this...

Best advice is to actually mount various bikes. Due to the various different seat height, control locations etc. You may not feel comfortable on x but like x, even if it’s the same category of bikes.

I mention in my post that really the Diavel, Vmax, & VRod are kind of in a different category of Power Cruisers.

I think the Diavel, Vmax, and VRod all fall under the power cruiser category.

The problem lies deeper than everything you’ve listed in my opinion. The society we live in today likes to often label and categorize everything. Which has led to the polarization of many aspects of life whether it be political, religious, hobbies & interests, hell I remember back in the day girls fought over which

Don’t believe I saw a single “sport bike” in the video. Nor did I hear one.

Would be entertaining to get the victims Bobsledders’ opinions of said Nissan Bobsled although it’s fairly obvious and I’m not expert either.

Riding this with a pink mohawk helmet would be fun to just see the reactions.

I personally would’ve requested if he could pop the hood to see the engine and then point out that it wasn’t after the fact. Showing him the indicators.