
That part of New York is an old hippie stomping ground, so she probably had plenty of options available for professional help. She needed to do what she did in the end .

This episode hit new motherhood right on the head with a Hannah accent. I work with young mothers and I have been one myself. Motherhood is hard. New mom's the first few weeks are looking for anything to make Motherhood easier, but nothing exist. All that happened is you get used to the madness and find a routine

Great episode. I could have said goodbye right here. I'm happy Shosh is living the life she wants. Shosh was done with them after the beach house, so this transition and frustration is warranted.

I fully agree. I started clapping after reading this. Young couples can be dysfunctional. I never saw them as so dysfunctional they couldn't work together. It's just as you said and that kind of relationship won't work. The memories you have will be fond and the love will be there in someway maybe forever, but life

It was awkwardly adorbale. It was like watching somebodies first real kiss. Big cheesy smile on my face the whole time.

I go back and forth on if Jessa and Hanna were really friends. They had very real moments and Jessa allowed Hannah in morebthan anyone else we have seen. She did shed real tears after her divorce. She shared that pain with Hannah. I think they used one another too. They both have qualities the other lacks. However,

I will pray to the TV gods. Shosh will then fall on hard times and have to run Rays coffee shop, or the non profit he starts with his new inheritance.

Ray and Abby spinoff for the win please.

I called Adam's lingering feelings for Hannah during that knock down drag out fight last season. It's sad, but good that it ended. However, Adam is a douche. All season long I got the feeling he didn't love Jessa as much as she loved him. He so nonchalantly left and even said 4 months left max at one point. I felt for

LMAO. The truth. He will pop in and out at least, right? Okay, so more like the slightly deadbeat Dad that buys great gifts. They will go on the best "outings".

I am suprised too, but not bothered by it. I do disagree a little with you. I get what ur saying, but I disagree that this was a magical "negro" trope. She wasn't magical. She's the usually dark skinned, plus sized(only occasionally), sassy black female side kick trope. This trope has been around since the 70's. I

I was hoping for a little Ray this episode, but I'll take more Elijah. Elijah was amazing. I'm happy they allowed the character to have the talent to back up all the shit he talks. He is going to b a good Dad to Hannah's baby.
I'm glad Hannah called, it was by far the most mature thing Hannah has ever done. She is

Did anybody else think Desi was going to start his bike and then ride off to die or crash off camera?

I think she may revisit Adam, but not as a thing that will stick long term.
I thought the plot for Paul-louis was for hannah to realize she can be treated better in all areas not just in love. Hell, I thought that was what Fran (Jan lol Adam is petty) was for, but wow was i wrong.

I think Marnie and Jessa are too evil and narcissistic to have friends that are a "normal level" of early to mid 20s immature. Hannah is a mess. They can say I am her friend because she needs my help. Generally Hannah has a good heart, so I don't think it was love/ hate. I think Hannah was so needy she thwarted

As soon as I finished this episode, I thought, 'what kind of C is Joshua going to give this'? It felt…disjointed? Rushed? Forced? Anyway, I pray to all the gods to let this be the last time we see Desi. The entire section with Marnie's Mother I loved. Marnie is her Mother with a stick in her butt.
We all saw this

I sympathize with her fight for sobriety only. All the rest of this mess she did to herself. You r right, this movie thing in her world is petty and childish. She could have easily read the article and script and gained more clarity, she chose not to.

We saw Adam n Jessa from Jessa's eyes only. I like that we see the flip a lil. My impression was his knee jerk reaction to getting hurt by Hannah is another woman. He chose Jessa. That shocked me a little because he is a former addict. Adam has convictions about sobriety and dating a former addict (especially one new

I think u have the keys to answer the mystery of Marnie. Chaotic maury povich life with 2 self absorbed parents. She was raised with drama. She craves stability but bucks as soon as she has it.
I think that's y Hannah pisses off Marnie. Hanna had a "regular" life b4 her dad came out.

Everybody knows a Marnie type. She is never satisfied. She wants it ALL, but doesn't know what she wants. She's never successful with what she shows interest in. With or without Charlie she would be floundering. She not getting any younger. I think she's depressed and desperate.