
M'jam right here.

When I decided to quit WoW, after I killed Arthas and Halion in WOTLK, I felt like I had to give my Blood Elf warlock a much needed ending, since WoW fails to provide one. The mild solitude of Silvermoon proved a suitable scenario.

Is it on Newgrounds? It sounds like Newgrounds.


Best. JRPG. Of all time. Period

2 demerits: 1 for slutshaming and the other for not recognizing an anime character.

io9, kotaku, deadspin etc...it doesn't matter who posts what where anymore, right?

Whoa, whoa whoa. "Significantly worse d-pad." Are you sure? Because the 360's d-pad is an abomination. It's not merely mushy or subpar; it's horrible. It will FEEL like you're hitting a direction, because it hits the side of the disc holding it, but it won't register as a press. Which is inexcusable for what we'd call

I swear like 75% of kotaku articles are links to other sites, get some original editorial or content going.

Kotaku ran a whole thing about how she was being sent as their person at GDC, in lieu of a regular reporter. So no, she wasn't supplement, she was Kotaku's entire offering.

If the newspaper ran a Garfield strip instead of their front page news, I would be disappointed.


...except not.

Samus, when she was "voiceless," occupied a position in Literature commonly referred to as the "paper doll." Most aspects of her personality were either toned down or eschewed entirely in favor of allowing the player to essentially overlay themselves onto Samus, the better to internalize the experience

Well, at least those are small and easily ignored.

Terrible Idea Gets Reblogged By Kotaku "Journalists"

Holy crap kotaku, is there really an auto-play video, with sound, at the END OF THE ARTICLE??? Do you understand how people use internet? Are you trying to piss off your readers?

Why on God's green Earth does every friggin article about TPP have to include an auto-playing embed of the stream?!

Ok then, the racoon gif is fucked up. The pet owners actions were justified, good on him for quick thinking. GIF-ing it to laugh at an animal getting thrown down a stairwell still isn't cool.

Dude, you're on Kotaku. You coming here and expecting quality articles on... well... anything... is hilarious. Especially an "article" by Patricia.