Vince Pack

If the US Coast Guard is anything like the Canadian Coast Guard, they’ll tell you if you shouldn’t go when you file your plan. I grew up on Vancouver Island. We kayaked, sailed, etc on the wild west coast side all the time. You file your plan and the CG gives you a go/no-go directive. I’ve seen them close public boat

Some cities its public (like fire and police), others its private. If the fire dept arrives its a free ride, but if the local meat wagon gets there first its a 15k ride. A bunch of bullshit if you ask me.. Same can be said about public utilities. There’s zero reason profits should be made in vital services.

Apparently Kinja thinks I’m Yoda.

I figure it’s no different someone taking their small sail boat, and people do that all the time. Sounds like he was pretty prepared just ran into bad luck, which is what the cg is there for.

They fly over my house every day.

The front is good, the rear is weird. 

You say pointless, I say amazing. Tomato/tomato.

That’s not just a screen, that’s a whole dang CRT.

In the context of an autonomous driving system, if a human has to make an input that the car didn’t anticipate, then it makes sense for those designers to consider that input as a result of an error on the part of the car.

The $200k is around what most fully equipped 4WD models go for, trouble is the bare bus is usually over$80k before you even start the fitout. And these are full on custom builds, usually have full solar, AC, kitchen, bathroom and so.

Regarding her, and all the other MAGAts - LOCK THEM UP! They ARE a mental illness.

Now ... if only this would happen to every other coal-rolling assclown out there.

Yes, conservatives are well-known for ignoring things they disagree with. Cool story, bro.

you are a colossal idiot. 

You would think that launching a new ship, especially with everything that’s happened, they would have went out of their way to make sure to vaccinate everybody, as this is pretty bad press for the cruise industry in general, and them specifically. I would have required everyone that sailed be vaccinated in advance.

Please send your complaints to...

Someone else. 

SCA: “Ever Given, we notice your engines are operational, please advise”

You drive it connected straight to a gas pump

Found Elon’s burner account.

I’m in love with this. If only it was $20k cheaper and available in the US. Let’s be real, a car that can only (easily) go 100mi isn’t worth almost $50k.