
What the shit is this Captain Crunch show?

The Esslemont books are poo, but the rest is amazing.

I figured they would win, too, with Snow escaping and Sam dying. It was certainly less predictable than Oberyn's death or that Tyrion isn't going to get executed (NOT a book reader, it just seems obvious).

"You just brought piss to a shit fight" was downright Mr. Lahey worthy. What a line.

Couldn't agree more about the Judge vibe. This show had the most laughs of the series, and only the previous episode was better overall.

Demented genius? It was okay. This has never been that great of a show outside of a handful of episodes per season, usually in the first half of the season. By the last six episodes or so of Asylum, it was as absolutely a frustrating mess.

Well this was certainly better than that shit we were treated to last week, and the show hasn't quite fallen off as much as I thought. It was painful to see Lange mispronounce "cher", though, which is bar none the ultimate sin in portraying a south Louisianan.

That was really hard to watch.

AHS has a point every season where they start to lose me, and this was it. It'd been campy fun up to this point, but this episode was outright boring. I think it's just that the show is good until the plot starts to get coherent, and then you realize that the show is kind of stupid.

"I'm actively enjoying the parts where nothing happens…Like that long, drawn-out shot of the parade of mourners."

The story kept moving forward? It was a meandering, sprawling mess halfway through the season, just like the first one. This feels like Breaking Bad in comparison. (And not just because of the way folks are disposing of dead bodies).

Season 2 had about 8 good episodes and then went to complete shit. The first season had even fewer before getting awful. This one is at least consistently ridiculous and you know what you're getting week to week.

No, he hates blacks, too.

I agree with Spicoli.  This episode had it all.  Cash for Gold was pretty mediocre.  But man—Jewpacabra?  Cartman going down a waterslide saying "coooooooooool"?  The peanut butter sandwich crack?  Butters with a gun?  Even the "pop culture" moment, which is usually the worst thing on the show, wasn't overbearing and

Jesus fucking Christ, I'm not sure what you people want out of South Park.  This episode was old school greatness. 


I think enjoyment of the character is pretty much based on one's experience with The Nature Boy. I love that Ferrell thought of Flair as some kind of Carolina stereotype to emulate.

Is it gone for good or was it just this Monday?

That song is essentially "I Hate Myself For Loving You" with a country twang and lyrics about football.