I bet you have to enter your PIN number before buying one of those Audis too.
I bet you have to enter your PIN number before buying one of those Audis too.
First Diesel, and now Vin? The controversies sure are coming rapidly and emphatically...
Starred simply for proper internet usage of “you’re” and “your”. Would have given bonus points if you had worked “yore” in there somehow.
What? It’s OBVIOUS from his messages that this cop was undercover. Plus he’s clearly transitioning after the resolution of a tenuous relationship with his fourth grade choir teacher that could only have happened because of their shared love of drone racing (IMO). I just hope his dog is ok after such an…
Do you ever consider the fact that you’re probably a huge instigator of family violence when you drive around?
... and then a view from where the oil pan normally resides, which resembled a mass of guacamole stalagmites
I think it actually is. From Better Off Ted, great and underrated show, cancelled too soon.
They’re making a joke about criticism of Puig for vaguely defined character or behavioral faults and the conservatism of baseball’s conventional wisdom.
Read it again, closely.
“Clearly, my boat sits at the same level as it did 20 years ago. If the sea level were rising, I’d have sunk by now!”
No, he seems to have the original two.
They are the largest administrative sub-divisions of the United States ( hence the name ) of America. There are 50 of them and they are legally equal, but also not equal in terms of authority and ability to affect policy change. Larger states, with higher populations, tend to also be wealthier and thus, more able to…
Well, I think it’s that Obama wasn’t promoting lasting stonefruit.
A lot if people don’t realise that many older people of color were not born at hospitals and do not have birth certificates. For instance, Viola Davis was born in her grandmother house on a plantation in South Carolina. Also many women’s birth certificates do not show their current legal name.
Your comment’s missing a d. Meta!
*Only 36% of Americans with enough free time to answer a survey and didn’t feel like dicking with the researchers know where North Korea is.
Counterpoint- there are a lot of Christians who think he’s a jackass and a danger to the country, myself included.
A lot of the people who I see opposing it are parents who think “my [upper middle class] kid won’t eat veggies unless I force them, they’ll go hungry if it’s not pizza!” They don’t consider at all the kids who won’t have access to a healthy meal anywhere else.