fun fact: i was 1/3 right
fun fact: i was 1/3 right
I hate to break it to you, but being afraid of electronics is a sign that you’re old, not the car.
It’s his own fault. If he lived in the US, he wouldn’t have had health insurance so he couldn’t have had surgery. Problem solved.
You know what functions even better as family vehicles? Minivans. Too bad they have such a bad wrap. Most people who need a truck, or think they do, would do much better with a minivan. They can haul 7 people all week long and still fit something the size of a 4x8' sheet of plywood when needed. The 1-2 times a year…
Since my daily driver is a Cadillac CTS, I have recently rented a minivan a few times to move some items from my old house to my new house prior to the big move that the moving company is going to do. I cannot adequately state the sheer usefulness and utility that a minivan offers. I was shocked by how much stuff you…
That’s why we bought a minivan 6 years ago! It held more inside than the Ram truck that friend has plus it’s comfortable for everyday driving. It can only tow 5000 pounds, but we’ve never had to tow anything. I suppose if we had a trailer then we’d need a truck, but the minivan has surprised us with how much it stores…
Still, IMO, one of the best looking “normal” cars to be produced. They weren’t trying too hard when they styled this one, unlike some of the more modern Sonata’s. My best friends mom had one and I was always amazed by how comfortable the seats were whenever I would ride with them. Eventually, the car was handed down…
Oh, it turns out the doctor was his mother, and the reason she couldn’t operate was she had puked and pissed on herself.
Because with a family, not worrying about swinging doors in ever tightening parking lots next to Brenda in her F750 sized crossover parked like shit is fucking awesome.
Because we happen to own a Vanagon that had not carpeting in it when we bought it, fortunately I have an answer to Dominik ‘s dilemma. Non-skid mats used in restaurants are the best choice provided that you don’t mind red carpeting. Found at most any restaurant supply store (or pilfered from your favorite eatery),…
Can we... can we see it?
There’s no evidence to support a claim that the X-37B is a space weapon. Not everything military is a weapon, after all. But X-37B in particular can’t reasonably be called a weapon, except in the sense you could potentially slam it into something, and by that standard *everything* is a weapon. It’s possible for it to…
Folks, I got starred by David! I’m finally one of you!
It’s become clear how cults of personality lead to terrible things. Its followers are willing to excuse anything in order to defend their hero. If this shit was happening at GM or Ford, people would blast the faceless corporations for treating their workforce like shit, or for allowing irresponsible practices to…
what it explains is that every person in the US, regardless of economic status, regardless of where you live, regardless of whether a profit can be realized, has access to delivery and mail service.
But still very much assholes.
That gif is in desperate need of a comma.
Aunt bought me an Elite 80 when I was 13. Loved it. Unfortunately, scooters don’t get any respect here in the US. Too many motorcyclists are “compensating” so it is all about loud pipes and unusable speed.
The proper counter is to hatchet-throw the bat at the opposing pitcher, kick the catcher backwards, pick up the ball and run from third to first to home to second. This unlocks unlimited-dingers mode.