
And the saying you're looking for is "don't throw good money after bad."

And the saying you're looking for is "don't throw good money after bad."



Yeah, but she's beautiful like your friend's nose-in-the-neighbor's-recycling-bin wife who hates you and is halfway to hating him.

Yeah, but she's beautiful like your friend's nose-in-the-neighbor's-recycling-bin wife who hates you and is halfway to hating him.

Anything that gets Huggie Bear residuals is cool by me.

Anything that gets Huggie Bear residuals is cool by me.

Does Russia have rednecks?
And if so, do they have Machiavellian rednecks?

Does Russia have rednecks?
And if so, do they have Machiavellian rednecks?

"Be careful what you wish for, for you may receive it."

"Be careful what you wish for, for you may receive it."

I really *really* enjoy how the big bad biker showrunner with his big bad biker show is too big a pussy to kill a leading big bad biker on his big bad biker show.

I really *really* enjoy how the big bad biker showrunner with his big bad biker show is too big a pussy to kill a leading big bad biker on his big bad biker show.

"Has to" ?

"Has to" ?

Perhaps with a tan and an evil Star Trek goatee.

@avclub-eb5f3c5471eca102d7f777638933a92d:disqus the weird thing is she had no problems selling a joke on Buffy.

I bet they about half-realize it.

Shouldn't surprise anyone.