
Also, I think I have may heard kids out on your lawn.

First I had a reverie, then I remembered how after-school-special'y Everwood could get, then I remembered how pretty EVC is.

They should be on, like, whatever show is the current CBS "Matlock" then… 'cause that's the only demographic left that tends to pay for music.

Also, yo quiero un ano de solidad o'brien.

I can't recall 10 sitcom episodes I respect more.

@cschack:disqus Clearly you are some sort of soft porn casting savant.  Please report to the Inland Empire post haste.

What's with the "top 10" obsession?  Live a little people!  Be specific!  Call it "The Second Best Community Episode of ALLLL TIME!!!! As judged by REINCARNATED SUPREME COURT JUSTICE BRANDEIS,  MASTER OF WAR SUN TZU, AND LETS NOT FORGET A LITTLE FUCKING THING CALLED THE NOBEL PRIZE!

I  take it there is no Thailand or Costa Rica beer joint.

Limited editions, muhuhahahaha, bought em all and sold them on eBay for LUDICROUS profits.

"Casting!  We need another primate in order to name it "Brita's boobs."  Chop chop.

I have no doubt that when humanity stops believing in the bible, they will find some other reason to oppress each other.

I've been using trepidacious for years n' years.


@ @avclub-d116ae13554d47530ed800aef8ed5755:disqus

I don't demonize a man for his beliefs, but I do hold him accountable for his beliefs.

Yeah, but if he knows what's *really* good for him, he'll get 100 episodes in the can, let em syndicate this weightless fluff, lose some fluffy weight, and find some better roles to play.

Man, can you imagine how great this show would be with the Heroes budget?

Florida = Alabama + Phoenix + swamp.

True Blood needs to kill off about 3/4 of it's cast, that's for sure.

When you do—and you really should—keep this in mind: