
We’ve already had two postponements of a verdict, both with court-approved gag orders. December 19th is the final deadline, or the settlement goes to trial. However, I’m thinking that the multiple lawyer firms taking on the lawsuit have picked everything dry, and owners like myself get the scraps. That, and the no

Don’t forget Canadians getting completely jobbed on their buybacks and having zero word of restitution as the next court date is for December 20th, and even then there may not be a verdict. We have been passed over twice already in the courts and there is a gag order disallowing owners any information whatsoever.

Meanwhile, Canadians continue to be held out of any additional information, summarized by a “We’re working on it, and even though America got their deal, we’re trying to completely hose you on the Canadian version of the deal.” Owners in Syrupland want their settlement as quickly as the US got theirs, but no, the

1st gear: Meanwhile Canadians hoping for un update on their settlement got flavor text saying basically “We got nothing and we’ll see you in December”. Yep, while the US case moves full steam ahead, up here we’re getting kicked in the ass repeatedly because of how weak our court system is.