
Well articulated sir. Though we may disagree on this issue, we share a common etiquette in discussion that I hope our policy-makers soon adopt when examining any two sides of any issue. Enjoyed the correspondence :)

I admire your open-mindedness and honesty and the patience you had to address my response. That being said, I organised my thoughts in point form :)


Well there are other scientists who oppose water fluoridation, and i'm sure you understand that paradigm shifts consistently happen. If scientific inquiries were addressed by a consensus, we would still have not accepted quantum mechanics. Conspiracy theorists feed off the mistakes of large institutions to reassure

wait is this a joke

Well there are other scientists who oppose water fluoridation, and, since you're a scientist, you understand that paradigm shifts consistently happen. This is why what is popular isn't necessarily scientific—think religion. If scientific inquiries were addressed by a consensus, for instance, we would still have not