
Steve's shoulders aren't that narrow. And why are all the photos shot in a suspicious way, where you can't really see his face, his wife or even his car?


If anyone or Microsoft for that matter releases drivers for OS X, I'll buy this ina heartbeat.

Why Gaussian Blur? Why not use Lens Blur? It looks so much more Out-of-focus-like.

"Christmas, Unplugged" is how I remember just one of my Christmas Eves. Though non of my family members are famous actors nor musicians (though we do play various musical instruments such as drums, guitars etc.).

@Alexander Lee: nobody gives a damn about the U.S. manipulating the entire globe. Oh wait.

@Steve Jenkinson: Since when are people and companies who deceive and lie to you authorities?

@anitesh.jaswal: I don't think you are looking at this the right way. If the U.S. Government (and others that obey their commands) hadn't attacked and companies hadn't blocked WikiLeaks in the first place, anon ops wouldn't attack them.

@jwdav: I do have Airfoil, but it doesn't work very well. It often gets out of sync and even stutters sometimes. never had that issue when streaming to my Airport Express via (then) AirTunes.

@2nd White Line: Because I don't want to play different music on separate machines. I want to stream music to every room simultaneously.

One wish I have for Airplay is: Please, allow me to stream music to other Macs. I have 1 Mac per room, all of which are connected to good speakers.

@lucasway89: I also find funny that no one at Apple said that you won' t be allowed to install apps the old fashioned way.

What I want from Windows 8 is to drop the Acid. And by that I mean, go get a couple of good GUI Designers to design a new interface. Ever since 7 I enjoy windows, with all the aero snap and all, but the Blue glossy/transparent interface just eats my eyes. I can't work with all the unnecessary glossiness and all.

And the sad part of the story is that nobody is going to pay the family of that guy (if he has one) 143 million if the guy is found dead. In other words, that plane costs a lot more than any human being.

@lizon: I' m looking for anti-matter in Minecraft, so how much atoms exactly would I have to collect?

@rnoyfb: My bad, must have misunderstood the term "red herring".

@rnoyfb: So is this article.

@calidude: And innocent civilians that were tortured by US troops.

@Zfire: So anything that does not run Maya is instantly a toy?