
There's actually a reason Bedelia is s l o w e r than ever in these conversations with Will, though for some reason I've seen no one else pick up on this: she's utilizing his empathy to talk him down. After the Chilton video he's huddled in on himself and shaking, and she talks to him slower and s l o w e r until by

It's not a nice thing to do to Chilton, but I assumed that was the point — to implicate the audience emotionally. If anything, in the movies you knew nothing about Freddy Lounds except that he was a smarmy dick with no backstory and 3 minutes of screen time before he got offed, so you didn't care except for the fact

The acting is really subtle, particularly from Mads/Gillian, and I've always been curious whether people *didn't* pick on it (a lot of ppl seem not to in this thread!), because it actually impacts me with a lot *more* emotional immediacy than regular TV/movie acting. I think my subconscious finds it more realistic. I

I was actually really looking forward to how the show was going to cover off the "Hannibal's past" question, so the third episode was the one I found most enjoyable thus far, because it took the narrative into completely new territory.

I kind of agree that this may have worked better as the premiere, since there's a fair bit of repetitive information once you've extrapolated from the first three eps, but I'm baffled at folks who think this moved faster than eps 1-3. It stopped the forward momentum dead in the water.

The worrisome aspect is that *Clarice* is clearly Utena because Hannibal is Akio.

I watch this show with a friend, and I've noticed that he doesn't laugh when I do — doesn't even perceive the scenes as funny. Whereas every one of Hannibal's awkward murder dinners has me howling in laughter for minutes. So it's just differences in senses of humour, I'd say.

Breaded salt-and-pepper calamari, steamed zucchini, and a good Assyrtiko. It wasn't enough food, though: I was hungry all through Chiyo's roast pheasant and grilled Sogliato.

I'm fine with agreeing to disagreeing — there are other shows I myself perceive as queerbaiting, and when this show began to go in that direction I was concerned and then decided it was not, based on my own viewing of the past few episodes.

Where I disagree is that I don't think scenes are being shot or publicized to make Will and Hannibal's relationship seem "more than it is." The homoeroticism is sublimated but textual, in the sense that the cinematographic metaphor is meant to be legible by the audience on the first pass; just like the ravenstag and

I dunno, he's hot and smart but between him and the Vergers that's not gonna be a neurotypical child. You're just setting yourself up for a "We Need To Talk About Kevin" scenario down the line.

Ha, no — I looked up who wrote it on IMDB out of curiosity, because it felt so X-File-ish to me! That was the series that introduced me to the concept of TV scriptwriters with individualistic styles being responsible for specific scripts, so it's been fun for me over the years to see where dudes like Vince Gilligan or

The other credited writer on this ep wrote "Hell Money" and "2Shy" for The X-Files, which for better or worse are two plots I remember immediately despite not having thought about it for 15 years.