
It's someone from the van. One of the big hints was the POV camera angle.

It was the dialogue up to the kill, then the show muffled the audio. I'm just curious if it was the exact take they used. If so, then it's quite obvious who it is.

I think it's a person to Rick's left. Eugene is on the other side of Carl, and he motions off camera toward Carl's direction, so I think he's safe.

They've never been ignorant about details and consistency to the extent that you're inferring. Get real.

It could have been a raw cut that was then edited and muffled over (as played out on tv) or purposely leaked.

I think basically all of the post-production interviews with production staff, and even a few cast members, make mention that it will immediately pick up where it left off. So, no.

It seems like they showed everyone, or at least most of them, more than once. I'd have to rewatch it to make sure, but I think Glenn was only shown once.

If the gimmick is not killing off main characters, and it's pretty heavily implied that it happened, then how is it a gimmick?

I noticed that at first, too, because they were showing everyone and it took a while to show Glenn. They did show it, though, but just once. So..if you think about that, it took 2 complete takes down the line to get through the eenie-meenie game.

1 clip.

I can't think of a tv show or series that hasn't employed a cliffhanger at some point in their respective series. How can you even say that they usually backfire? Not the case.

Like I said, when that happens, cool. Not happening here, though.

No, it's the matter of someone literally taking half an hour to form a sentence, and it still not being coherent. Enjoy your imaginary "calling people out" for things they don't comment on, idiot.

And let me know how much time you need between your witty comebacks. I mean, I know you're slow, but damn girl.

Wish bleach, eh? Is that sped slang for mouth breather drool?

I think your mough drool is getting on your keyboard and causing malfunction, as your posts are not coherent or reference anything on this board. Maybe use a mouth guard or a bib?

I still think it's going to be Glenn. As they stated, they wanted to recreate the shock that was had when the comic first came out - but couldn't by doing that exact scene. So, they went for the cliffhanger that every television show has employed. And people are still talking about it. It doesn't really matter if you

If that ever happens here, cool.

The evidence of that (although I feel a large majority of it is just talk) is on twitter, facebook, instagram and article-related message boards. You can find a plethora of people saying something to the effect of "if _________ dies, I'm done."

Best of luck. These people are mad because they somehow feel that they entered into a contract with AMC and TWD that promised to deliver a bloody, gory death at the end of the season, and feel violated and defrauded because AMC and TWD did not honor that imaginary contract. So, because 1 thing didn't go as they