
Different perceptions - nothing wrong with that.

So, basically you're retarded and lack a basic command of the English language.

Point out one time when I did that please. Or, maybe quit making shit up to deflect on how fucking obnoxious and ignorant your comments are. Child.

And people are on facebook, twitter, reddit, this forum, and many others debating on who it was. 2 days later and the conversation is still going pretty strong. It delivered. Not in the way you wanted, or others wanted, obviously, but it delivered.

If the season was devoted to meeting Negan, then wish granted. Now, what you're really saying is that the season was leading up to the horrific beating of one of Rick's crew, at the hands of Negan. In that case - wish granted, as well. Who? Well, find out in October.

According to some it didn't; according to some it did. So - we'll see how well it did or did not pay off in a few months.

She was wounded and weak. Took off after she was bandaged up, and still worked at self-protection until she was suprised by savior dude.

Possibly. Guess we'll have to see if it pays off.

Honestly, I think Glenn's fake-out was to test the market. Ratings dipped slightly, but came back. It is a risk, but when they are trying to replicate the surprise of the comic when it is already known, how else can it be done?

Not sure about the reason that was included, specifically. I'm sure there is something down the line.

It isn't cowardice to do what people may not want. However, it is creating the same shock and suspense the original comic scene created, in the best way they could. That is,what they were trying to replicate. Scene as-is without a curveball doesn't deliver.

The POV shots are from the van.

In all fairness, 2 cuts were produced. Authentic Negan speech from comics, and cleaned up for AMC approval speech. We got the latter.

Cynics have a selfish nature to them. Not all bad, but sometimes it makes you want to tell them to get over themselves for once.

After he shot her twice? That's not actively making a decision, you know.

Hearing someone's life ending the way it was done was pretty devastating, regardless of who it was. It will likely be a main character, so even more devastating that one of the main characters will no longer be on the show.

according to you. People have different tastes, so let it be.How rude is it to come onto a message board discussion concerning a show you don't watch and like, and shit all over it?

No, it's a gamble.

Maybe Carl hasn't started his period yet.

He's not so much asking for it as he is explaining that it should be there because it's a tv show that they've been writing for a while now and they know what they're doing.