
He locked her in a closet in an empty house in a community where her absence is apparently not a concern for anyone, given she leaves all the time without anyone knowing. Based on the mission being too dangerous - he didn't know if/when they would come back. Given the time of day, and Maggie's unknown complications,

Here's an interesting article where Gimple talks about it all. Within it, he ever so kindly tells the cynics, IDGAF. So, maybe he did it to give an up yours to the hate watchers.

Two week supply mission with Heath (and also pregnant IRL).

And he had every right to restrain her that Carol had the right to physically restrain knocked-up Maggie during the raid. None. They are peers.

Not when he motions toward them to his right as he says it.

Eugene thought he was heading to his death by taking the solo trip in the rv. He volunteered himself to be sacrificial for the group. That is why they made that scene.

You did say weakling, look at your post. Weeping suicidal weakling. She was knocked on the ground with a gun to her, and she had 2 bullets in her. Then she started laughing and telling the guy to own up to his mission.

Well, I guess six seasons of build-up isn't enough. Sure, you're right.

I'm not sure there would be a lot of "love" had for any episode of TWD on twitter. Had it not been a cliffhanger, and ________ was shown to be the victim, there probably would have been more "words" of dislike on twitter.

And, for the record, she has not become a weepy suicidal weakling. Maybe that's the issue with trying to figure out her breakdown. Weaklings don't just take off on their own, kill a group of people, get stabbed, keep moving, and lie on the ground laughing and challenging a person to take responsibility for what they

Well, I tried to leave it as agree to disagree but…

Absent of the script, we go with what is seen.

This show really hasn't been the same since that whole spaghetti Tuesday on Wednesday fiasco.

That would mean fewer than 30 comments, total.

When the discussion of showing emotional cracking comes to play, then it is a question of quality acting. If the writer decides to convey this thru script, then you're breaking the 101 rule of showing versus telling.

I honestly do not know, especially considering the copious amounts of commenters discussing how dumbed down the material is to begin with.


It worked for Father Gabriel…

I wouldn't say 99%, and I would say the cynical nature of AV posters is not reflective of the whole audience.

I guess that's where we agree to disagree. I don't think it had to be stated or developed because it was already there. People have meltdowns and then you look back at their past and understand why. We were already given her past, and then the meltdown. Seems rather clear.