Max Woolf

If you missed the reference to Clinkle in tonight's episode (yes, it was a real thing and not a fake company with a funny name), here's the story behind the startup that's too ridiculous even for Silicon Valley:…

Incidentally, FTP does not allow any undoing, so it's unintentionally technically valid.

It's worth noting that the Pied Piper SWOT (about the decision to persue the Homicide partnership) had a NO CONTRACT SIGNED!!! card *three times* under Threats. Which is the only way the ending would realistically work without Pied Piper getting sued into oblivion, anyways. was updated to change Big Head from Co-Head Dreamer to Sole Head Dreamer at Hooli XYZ, and to remove the acknowledgement of former Co-Head Dreamer Bannerchek. , noted on a slide during the HooliXYZ keynote, is another actual parody website.

The IP address Chloe gave Jack was 2.718.2.818. AKA, the first few digits of e.