
But what if they want slaves to work in their space factories and space mines and space bordellos?

Yes they make flash, but they also make CS5 which is a major piece of software for OSX.

What does that mean?

Anonymous whistle-blowers, and they have likely been conducting an investigation which the companies are not allowed to mention (even if they wanted to). I'm sure the corporate lawyers and PR would much rather work with the DOJ quietly rather than have the investigation go public. Being accused of making these deals

I say kill'em all!!! Whats the point in valuing human life if the life available to many people is mediocre at best? Nothing like a good ole epidemic to thin out the heard, and spur innovation.

You mean the OS that's currently in public alpha? You have to remember when Win7 was first released as a public beta it was nearly good enough to use as a primary operating system. The beta of Win8 will likely be the same way, and from what people said about the "nearly beta" build that was at CES, it has been

I don't know about everyone else, but when an out-of-contact friend pops up on my Facebook news feed, i do not waste any storage space remembering what they post about. Their post generally doesn't leave short term memory unless it is something interesting (like one of the girls in my high school class going the

There are also charges that he was using the site (and others) to launder money. Additionally the site has had some issues with complying to DMCA takedown notice (things like only removing the public link, but not deleting the content from the servers), also he did make a considerable profit from the site which hosted

"Austria's Hungary, so give them Turkey fried in Greece" is how I learned it.

are you an engineer too?

The DOJ has been working with 8 other countries for a decent length of time to establish a case against these guys. Its not like they just said, "Lets go take down megaupload tomorrow guys". They had to have enough evidence of illegal activities to convince not only the US DOJ, but to get extradition warrants from

The joys of being a smart alec engineer :P

I am already signed up for exactly 1 of the services on the list, and I've only heard of maybe 6 of them.

It might be because I have the original Samsung Focus, but I have never successfully used bing voice to tag a song. It has no problem with me yelling a text while riding my bicycle, but it can't ever seem to identify a song under ideal conditions.

They should really put a false bottom on this thing because if anyone were to have their head against the underside of the top, they would probably suffer from a bad concussion, or a case of snapped neck when the 1000kg load hits and the desk it 3" shorter.

the problem with that it you are blocking 80% of the light emitted, and you need every lumen when the sun is directly behind you an hour before sunset.

It could've been purchased with illegally obtained funds, therefore they seize it along with everything else so it can't be sold off to recover the cash

lol except that SOPA/PIPA would simply remove all of Gizmodo not one comment... but I guess its just semantics

They would still presumably have the old tracking data, and said data appears to still exist, just in a non-standard format that isn't being released.

Deja vu. I just inherited one of those a few months ago. Currently it is in my desk back home because I go to college out of state, and I don't want to risk accidentally leaving it in my pocket and having it confiscated by airport security. However, once I graduate it will likely replace my 3" CRKT folder which I will