:'( now I remember how much I miss swim team.
:'( now I remember how much I miss swim team.
oh poo. I just learned these aren't actually in the Windows Marketplace yet :(
Mythbuntu and a TV tuner
lol. Personally, I am looking forward to trying out chickens can't fly, and gravity guy after work. Also, (just curious) do you guys have any WP7 users at Gizmodo/Gawker?
Is it just me or this article just overflowing with jealousy?
I want a kitchen rocket!!!
Why can't we investigate and audti every other branch of the military? DARPA at least puts out results that are interesting and ground breaking and all on "only" $3 billion. I know its still a fuckton of money, and any auditing of the military industrial complex is a good thing, but there are other much more wasteful…
What about the potential for scaldings?
HAHA For some reason I was also reminded of Will Ferrel when first reading the word "gustnado"
Here's hoping this works out better than the Notion Ink Adam. I am still trying to get replacement parts 4 months after opening a support ticket
Its obviously the inspiration for Apple's new HQ
What would be awesome is if they kept the development of this hand secret from the kid for as long as possible, and had Schumacher show up on his door to tell him he had to come in for measurements for his brand new prosthetic which would be ready that very same day. (I know that that was not possible but it would've…
Thank you! Im so tired of hearing that as the only "valid" logic against shutting off cell service in BART.
If your protest can't standup to a simple lack of cell service, then your protest was bound to fail anyway. The Egyptians managed to replace their governement without the aid of twitter, facebook, or SMS. This to me just wreaked of malcontents looking for something to protest, not genuinely fed up people who had a…
If he was a truly close friend (not just an acquaintance), I'd give him a metaphorical smack on the back of the head and call him an idiot, but then again the type of people I'm friends with know that that means I actually care about them, and I'm not trying to physically hurt them.
Why are area codes going obsolete? I feel like getting rid of area codes would be horrible
I think its satire...
How do they plan on determining if your new "real" name actually belongs to you?
I think the reason that tablet oriented bluetooth keyboards have the extra keys is to maintain full compatiblity with Windows and OSX. It would be very limiting (both in the target market, and for the consumer) to have a keyboard that only works on a tablet, and no other computers you might have.
Why not the Apple BT keyboard, or the Microsoft Mobile Bluetooth Keyboard 6000 ([www.microsoft.com] both are wonderful keyboards, both are $69 (the microsoft one is $89 with a bluetooth num pad), and both are very well made. I feel like you just did a review of random keyboards you were given, rather than actively…