Minibar Mike

I was being sarcastic.

Your assertion about hidden fees is hardly a rule. Dealers who attempt something like this are a. in a minority and b. are acting on their on vocation rather than following orders from an institution (ex. dealership association). Haven’t worked for a dealership myself but I imagine a part of a

Absolutely because a Tesla Motors’ showroom is the only place where you are able to pay MSRP (eliminating any haggling and pushy salesmen) and choose vehicle options either via catalog or electronic device of your choice.

This only further proves how SMART, AMAZING and REVOLUTIONARY Tesla Motors is. They are changing

DVD of cat videos and pair of hiking boots with purchase of Forester.

Not sure what is the lead off time and everything else that is associated with this particular line of production but it is entirely possible that bright minds at Ford had miscalculated demand vs production equilibrium and are now looking to offset responsibility to someone else.

The vagueness in their statement would

“I’d also venture to guess that the Midwest tends to have higher sales numbers of the pony/muscle cars over other sports cars”

Florida bro :) You might be right but I don’t think it would be entirely relevant as it is telling us more about sports car market as a whole.

For an example, total of 4/5 (80%) in Midwest would

The analysis would be more insightful if accounted for location. This as Southern States do not experience harsh winters.

“You can get from coast to coast I know plenty of Tesla owners who happily do that drive.”

Meanwhile operators of gas powered vehicles wouldn’t dare try such feat :)

“The advantage over gas vehicles is that their infrastructure can’t get any better, where electric will continue to grow and develop over the next decades.”

Ok. So if you didn’t state that they did (spontaneously combust) why would you ask if spontaneous combustion affects a manufacturer’s CAFE score?

This as author’s comment talks specifically about two manufacturers ability to produce and sell their hybrids offerings.

“Do you really think Can Bone would drive a French car?”


“ I am not aware which of these were sent through Ferrari or any other individual vehicle”

There is only one hybrid in Ferrari’s lineup as of now with 499 units being built (not counting Aperta).

How many of them have you witnessed combust spontaneously?

Stef, I specifically refrained from using any names but I see you have recognized yourself in my statement. Hopefully it is nothing more but a lapsus calami and there will be no need for a support group over at Jezebel to get involved :)

Hold on, a charming elderly gentleman speaking with a British accent and posing as the race promoter assured me there will be absolutely no female competitors :)

Windows can display view of choice (mountain, coastal road etc.) while speakers play sweet sound of a V12.

“I used to work for Tesla Motors’ Autopilot team. Releasing “a polished turd” is not unusual.”


“to give a shit if you’re out there PIT maneuvering your least favorite Jalopnik writer into the fence.”


“I hope he can write!”

Lets not forget about Passat also available near Earth’s Equator.

Excellent point. There is the same number of vehicles in daily circulation, both are required to follow traffic signals/signs and, crucially, operators are trained equally when it comes to time and complexity. Makes sense.

Excellent observation...except it assumes that Producer 1 (generic) and Producer 2 (Tesla Motors) have same cost of production of $10,000.00.

In reality, generic producer will be able to leverage economies of scale and produce same vehicle at lesser cost (ex. $8,000.00) while a small player plagued with teething issues