
The quintessential Gawker comment: funny, correctly spelled, intelligent, slightly drunk. Cheers!

...and on May Day, no less!

Seriously. He is pretty incoherent.

Well, that's always the case.

A thousand times yes.

I know, I know. I'm a little giddy. :)

Maybe he was trying to be gallant about the whole thing?

Lrn2postmodern: discrete nodes of discourse cut off from context. Pastiche! Bricolage! Fragmentation!

He totally should have held off on the birth certificate conference and multitasked tonight: "Hi guys, here's my long-form birth certificate. I hope that's ok with you. BTW, while y'all were worrying about that bullshit, I was killing bin Laden. OK, TTYL."

That was the White House stream. The feed that went out on TV was head-on.


Just right click on the picture->"Copy image location"->Click "Image" over empty comment box->Paste into "Image URL" box. I've never had a picture that didn't load that way.

Was that "ugh" for me? Surely you didn't read that as serious?

This one, not the inflatable entrepreneur.

Why, oh why, must we continue to tolerate these degenerate liberals and their filthy LIE-braries?? Just replace the collection with 100 copes of David Barton's books and be done with it.

I love how people often refer to being publicly gay as "shoving it down our throats."

God, that is horrific. I hope he's got a good supportive extended family to back him up and get him the care he'll surely need.

On a more theoretical tip, "Hard Core: Power, Pleasure, and the Frenzy of the Visible" by Linda Williams is a classic. She teaches film studies at Berkeley and took a lot of heat for not being knee-jerk anti-porn in the 80's.

Hey! Some of us are underemployed college students with too much time on our hands. Leave us our dirty pictures, I implore you!

Yep, there's a perpetual play mode. I can't remember what it's called...but it throws you some good jewels on top if you run out down below.