"More active defending against abuse?" Do they really want to ring that bell?
"More active defending against abuse?" Do they really want to ring that bell?
@slowtraincoming: Copyright is automatic. You don't have to file. You own the copyright to every photo you've ever taken, too.
@temperance: Aaannnnd having to take prerequisite courses is completely normal for any academic program, from CC to Harvard Law. So 0 for 2 on the burns — congrats!
@shan164: Depends on the offense, I think. Shoplifting, yes. Murder, no. This one falls somewhere in between! It'll probably make the case more difficult to try, but I guess it's up to the prosecutor.
@Momentary_Lapse: THERE HAS TO BE A BETTER WAY!!!!!!!!!!!
@puddingcupbeard: Hey, breast self-exams are important. I don't know how they're supposed to help with AIDS though. I'm guessing that donating to a breast cancer charity was vetoed as a little too 'on the nose'.
Nothing substantive to say, just want to thank you x 1 billion for 'flouting'. When people use 'flaunting' it makes me want to kill!
I'm far from an expert, but from what I understand, postwar Italian politics has been characterized by staggering corruption, violence and instability. (See the amazing movie 'Il Divo' for a taste.)
@HistoricMARS: God bless you.
@Back in Nom Nom Nom: Nyet.
@o-line: NO! I was totally going to post that one and win! Dang.
@lawrencesmith9: That's assuming that adult "cross-dressing" isn't itself a form of play ("play" in a non-pejorative sense). I say let it ride. Love her, bottom line.
@Diziet_Sma: Sadly, that's probably why she's on local. I totally agree though, she's awesome.
There's some good stuff there amongst the dross:
Cynical, I know, but I wonder how many of these people (not the ones above, the ones on flickr) are actors or artists just looking for a little internet exposure? Some of the criers are moving, but others seem a little fakey.
@Pickard.AL: Totally agree. It's shallow cleverness-as-art rather than what Abramovic does, which I think even many traditionalists find has real substance.
@CissyPants: If you think of it as a form of theater, does that help?
@LeCauchemar: He's very "articulate".