Michael Moore’s mind is just as sick as the rest of his body.
Michael Moore’s mind is just as sick as the rest of his body.
Haha look at that guy’s face. Is this a joke?
Your comparison is pretty weak.
Your comparison to a bear isn’t incorrect, it’s correct. Men want to be animalistic because they think it’s cool and macho. That’s not the case though. Masculinity is a problem and this is a pretty decent example why. There is no reason to kill a juvenile female mountain lion. We may not be quicker, but we certainly…
You’ve got to go back.
I think the point of her Yale essay about that floozy was that in the case where a woman gets irresponsibly intoxicated of her own accord and proceeds to make decisions she will later regret she is entirely responsible for her actions.
Who are you backing for 2020?
Ben Shapiro is under five feet tall.
The sound of his voice is the the only honest and genuine thing about him.
But this is no different from if the lion attacked a small bear and got killed.
Not sure how to feel about this one. I get that self defense is okay and sometimes necessary, but mountain lions are an endangered species and the one the jogger killed was a juvenile and a female to boot.
Extremely long article. I really mean that. This article was so, so long. I haven’t seen many articles longer than this one and, in fact, can’t think of a specific longer one off the top of my head. This is a really long article, and I find myself wondering how so many words could be used on a single topic. And that…
Really disappointed in Obama as it relates to the Trump presidency and resistance in general. He doesn’t seem to care and just wants to fade out quietly.
Ignore Rotherham. Focus on this.
I have an idea.
Fair, but lazy. An exception to the rule does not invalidate the rule. And if you know anything about Indonesia you would know that a Muslim theocracy didn’t take root because they were fighting for their independence from the Dutch and nationalism was the necessary objective. You would also know that fundamentalist -…
Yes, everyone wants to stop illegals from undercutting domestic wages. The problem is that nobody can envision an alternative system to replace the one we have. People are lazy and dumb and would rather coast along as is than say redistribute wealth from tech and banking to boring industries like agriculture and…
I can’t believe you’re making me read all of this. Lots of text.
Islam is a theocracy, Christianity is not. Pretty big, core difference. Churches marry LGBTQIA+ folks, Muslim nations execute them. Blah blah, you’ve heard all this before. Islam could be westernized at some point, that’s nowhere close to happening because the Quran is seen as a perfect text to be followed literally.…