Yep, even Bush! Because he had Condi.
Yep, even Bush! Because he had Condi.
You’ve invented “salgur”!
I’m pretty sure he is going to try and make himself king forever, then pass it down to his kids or whatever.
Hush, Kidelo! You’re killing me over here!
I’d be happy to finger anyone responsible for DJTs death in any hole they like.
i dont care about the semantics of how they die, just that they die.
I made this the other day. You're welcome.
Posting this here because 1) it’s the truth about what Trump has said and done, 2) compared to Fauci’s interview it highlights the stark difference b/w the two of them, and 3) because Trump’s lawyers are sending out cease-and-desist orders trying to take it down:
First they came for the bus drivers wantonly beating up small children, and I said nothing.......
Putting your own oxygen mask on before assisting others with their oxygen masks on a plane, is a very Satanic thing to do.
Politics Corner - Free Space - I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Donny edition. For the record, I just referenced a terrible Adam Sandler movie I never watched to further a current political narrative I still don’t really believe. And there is bigger, more substantive travel ban news - great news for refugees and family…
Moreso the problem is that he refuses to even ackowledge, admit it, that he ever did anything wrong.
“Most dudes go through at least one period where they aren’t great to women.”
A teacher at my high school, who I never had a class with, thought my name was Chris. It wasn't that she confused me with another student named Chris, because we were a small school and there wasn't a Chris. But she would see me in the hall and say "Hi Chris" and I'd say hi back. A year after graduating I was back in…