So Harlem is a borough now?
So Harlem is a borough now?
It’s a difficult region to penetrate. The US tried and did not succeed. Our military is designed/trained to fight other militaries, defeating small, unorganized, geographically scattered antagonists is a lot harder.
Majority of fighters and victims are Hausa. There are sometimes religious differences as some extremist Muslim groups target Christian communities because they can convince themselves it’s better to attack non-Muslims.
they are supposed to stand on the sides and observe the protest without interfering as long as the protest/protestors are not breaking any laws.
Lol i thought that’s what it was, but i didn’t want to be mistaken and then get called out for not knowing cars.
exactly. If I’m planning my death, and I get to the point about how I’m going to arrive at the chosen place, I can imagine saying “Hey, I wonder if Rob would take me in that Tesla he just bought. That’d be fun!”
Otherwise it comes off as a weird and shameless plug at the worst possible time
maybe she always liked Teslas and wanted to ride in one?
happened to me in new york city in 2015. (got pulled over and told i had two unpaid tickets, had to see a judge) I intentionally left the wadded up bloody tissue right there for them to see when they let me out.
Also, veggies just have a lot of liquid in general which adds to the mushiness. I tried salting them down once to drain water, but they came out too salty. Baking them in the oven on a rack helped w the liquid, but it can be very time consuming and may not seem worth it to you
Yes, and the warnings for black people not to come the to US has only come from black-majority countries. My only point is that people are very quick to blame all brown people for brown people problems, and very hesitant to do the same for white people/western countries.
yep. totally. as I said above, my original comment was in reply to this:
my original comment was in reply to this:
my original comment was in reply to this:
agree, it’s totally complicated, and ultimately, it’s just sad af because we have the means to leave places like that, and most people don’t
Bajans actually, and I fully support the recommendation, but it’s totally not a widespread line of thought
Sure. I do think it’s a serious underestimation. But I also know that even if the number was multiplied by 10, or 100, or even 1000, it would STILL be less than a percent, making it unfair to brush all Indians with the same stroke.
4 rapes a day by 365 days a year is 1460 rapes a year.
it’s math..... India’s population is over a billion. OF COURSE it’s a tiny fraction. Doesn’t make it right, but also doesn’t make it right to paint 1/8 of the entire world population with the same brush.