
Extra stars for appropriate use of ALL CAPS.


The haberdasheries are all out of haberdash!

Good lord, I just want to punch people in the face so much these days.

This. It’s about men being allowed to control and trap women. Poor white male voters are mad. The best way to appease them is to give them women. This has been the plan FOR BASICALLY ALL HUMAN HISTORY. Appease poor men by giving them fucktoys and broodmares. That’ll keep them complacent enough to vote Republican and

This stops now. Time to mobilize. If you haven’t already seen it check this out. It is a guide on how to effectively lobby congress. Your reproductive health demands it.

i’m in the jez comment threads defending john mayer’s hotness. you wanna talk about not knowing who you are anymore?

Because white progressives, by-and-large, are every bit the bigots as their conservative counterparts and their concern for bigotry begins and ends at how it differentiates them from the conservative whites who they harbor a superiority complex against.

I shouldn’t be surprised, but WTF with white people trying to blame BLACK PEOPLE for this shit? IT WAS OBVIOUSLY THEM. We voted democratic, like we always do, but white people picked whiteness over every fucking other thing.

I like you so I’m going to try to temper myself.

My mother is like a horse whisperer for conservatives. Her mantra is “meet them where they’re at.” She asks a lot of questions. For instance, this is a conversation she had last month with a right-wing houseguest: “Why do you support Trump?” “You liberals think we’re all stupid.” “I don’t think you’re stupid. Why do

seriously! i don’t remember any politician from either side ever being this dismissive and callous toward people who didn’t vote for them. he won the election. good for him. but he needs to be a president for ALL AMERICANS because he is the president of all of the United States, not just the states that voted for him.

I’m so goddamn pissed off at the “get over it, he won crowd.” Fuck you! If he’s not going to act like he’s the president of ALL Americans, than I’m not going to be bothered to get over my absolute FURY over this election.

“There are too many people who hate women and don’t want a woman in The White House.”

Remember that scene in Good Will Hunting?

My mom was the same way. A few of my family members were laughing at Trump and hoping he would be the Republican nominee because he would get crushed in the general election. My mom kept saying “I really think he’s winning.”

I’ll be in Florida for the PGA merchandise show next month, which is basically a giant gathering of old white dudes. I am considering seeing a doc about getting some chill pills because I don’t even know how i’ll deal.

“We take him seriously, not literally”

My head said that he couldn’t win but I knew it in my heart. I knew it when he got the nomination. I just did. I came here and said it and then allowed myself to be convinced by the commenters here whom I respect and adore. I’d be ok for awhile, propped up by Nate Silver and the mathematics but I knew. And I felt

You speak to my heart Rand. It says so much about how many people disrespect intellect and inclusion to listen to even one minute of what he says and not be repulsed but actually be whipped into a frenzy.