
As long as it stays alive until Smash is released, that'll justify the purchase and four Pro Controllers. Please don't change platforms.

A game about ghosts not appearing on a ghost console.

You don't lose the titles once the subscription ends. Anything you've downloaded as Plus is retained, awaiting your renewal.

I've been trying to platinum Last of Us, well pretty much since it came out. During a Survivor playthrough in Utah a few days ago, Ellie drops Joel a ladder and it catapults him through the ceiling, hurtling into a black void of space high above - though still in sight of - the scenery.

I hate to pull a TWA flight 800, but a stinger missile clearly hits the chopper from above. It's a conspiracy, I tellsya.

I hate to pull a TWA flight 800, but a stinger clearly hits the chopper from above.

Must look away... Backlog too big...

You didn't even start Last of Us? For shame.

I generally try to milk a title for its achievements, but for all its beauty and great soundtracking, I cannot make myself play (let alone finish) Puppeteer.

This game is uglier than Yoshi's Story for the N64, and that's saying something. Maybe Yoshi will have a Baby Mario partner in Smash, though. That'd be great.

I bought a Vita when Amazon ran those Walking Dead bundles for $180. Between P4G, Spelunky, Guacamelee, Uncharted, Gravity Rush, I'm incredibly happy. Haven't even tried remote play on my PS4, which is vastly eclipsed by my Vita usage.

Wow, Triangle doesn't even get an honorary mention? Kotaku proving again its R2 bias. This is why Crecente left.

Of course 7/10 is first. Fucking Sony fanboys.

Can someone explain why Telltale games are critically well-received (barring Jurassic Park)? From what I've seen, they're fixed-camera Resident Evil 1 nausea-walking and QTE's. Granted, I'm layperson regarding their product, but I was pretty sure those were the two gravest sins a developer could commit.

Jaleel White - better tread carefully.

Two Troy Baker moments from this year.

Booker: The bird, Elizabeth, the bird, it's coming!
Elizabeth: No, it's not.

Joel: You'll just come after her.

I'm no student of music, but is that a song? I'd call that a chime. The notes register so quickly that it's not, y'know, melodic. More like a robot confirming that it has, in fact, killed all humans.

Just wait until you find out that betrayed friend voiceover in Uncharted 4 is actually spoken by a spider.

I hope whoever bought that card for $27K immediately unsheathes it from its sleeve and casing and shuffles it into a bareback deck, then lights a cigar with a hundred dollar bill and starts a fire in his hearth with Pappy Van Winkle.

UemeU U ft. U2 powered by Unreal 3.

This can't come stateside soon enough. I've got a copy of P4G, and despite owning copies physically, am eager to re-download Mega Man Powered Up, Maverick Hunter X, Tactics Ogre, and Jeanne D'Arc to play on the big screen - as well as having another TV setup for my PS4 without having to move it.