
For a learned snacktologist, the lack of a toasted review is disspiriting, to say the least. I CAME HERE EXPECTING A WARM REVIEW AS WELL AS PTAN (POP TARTS AU NATURALE).

Target will pricematch Amazon!

Target is also currently offering BUY TWO VITA GAMES, GET ONE FREE, plus some minor discounts on cases and the like. Next week Gamestop is also offering a $50 promotion with a Vita, which pretty much guarantees a hardware revision or a price drop.

Yep. Two shades too light.

I don't mean anything drastic! Just a weight reduction or something, a la the PSP iterations.

I kinda wanna buy a Vita for something to do during the software drought, but there might be a hardware revision or new color or bundle announced at E3. These two weeks are two weeks too long.

Oh, it's better because no hackers brought it down for a month. Gotcha.

With everything else coming out this fall, it'll have to wait for a price drop while I play more pressing titles. Would've been a must-purchase if it'd come out during the spring / summer drought.

Make it like (spoilers) the end of Cube. Where the dog is the only survivor and yet incapable of relaying that the bad general was truly bad and your ragtag defectee Seal Team were really heroes. So it ends with the conspiracy being swept under the rug, with your heroes achieving their goal but dying anonymously, or

A friend just sent this to me. Here's hoping it posts well, I chuckled.

"It's good enough!" "Buy something else!" That's a pretty good motto.

Um? It's hugely anti-consumer. Full price to pay game on any subsequent account. Mandatory camera to function. Must connect once daily online to function. A HDD you cannot replace that has mandatory game installation. The current paygate for online multiplayer and demos. And the controller still uses AA batteries.

The controller - the best part of this debacle - still uses AA batteries.

I can't imagine a more anti-consumer device. Non-replaceable HDD with mandatory game installs? Paying the full price if a non-primary account user wishes to play a game? Requiring an always-on camera for any use (when the system also needs once daily internet connectivity to function)? (Sidenote: I can't wait to hear

Johnny Five, Alive! Major input.

I mean, they really harped on the "Box" part of this next-Box. Everything looks like it can draw blood.

I prefer the smooth looks of the 360 Slim and its Kinect.

Please tell me you still have a half-full tin of these things. I couldn't find them anywhere in New England! Open Pringles' taste and mouthfeel age gracefully. Maybe.

Please tell me you reviewed the Peppermint Pringles from Holiday 2012. If not, get Ebaying!

Nice the PS4 has a showerhead?! DAY ONE PURCHASE.