
Yeah, for whatever reason, games that offer a starting attack damage of 1 or 2 and an end-game attack rating of 5 or 6 always made me feel so powerless. That's why I've never really gotten into the Paper Mario franchise - it lacks that sense of deification that a Final Fantasy title has.

I wonder if these will unlock retroactively (I know they won't unlock if I just load my save, but I wonder if they'll unlock if I, say, use an appropriate armament). Either way it's been much, much too long since I last played this game, so I think I'll start from scratch.

You had me at Deadwood's Doc Cochran.

Neat! I'll definitely pick 'em up.

They don't apply multiplayer nerfs to the campaign, though. The Falcon still has a desirable fire rate, bosses take headshot damage, et cet.

I'm guessing you meant "two powers" and five bonus weapons, Fahey? Otherwise I've no idea.

Does it feel odd to anyone else that there're 10 or so weapons unavailable to Shepard in the campaign to which your multiplayer characters have access? I can't imagine it'd be too hard to open up a "Rare Shop" or something in the Spectre Kiosk that'd enable them for campaign play.

That's a brilliant, brilliant idea.

There was an article I'd read about a year ago that discussed how "spoilers" actually increased a patron's enjoyment of a piece of media. I don't remember if that was because a spectator could better apply her knowledge to the narrative framework, or because they were very dense and felt gratified in knowing what

Now playing

I hope this helps bring back your pink-coral toothy innards nightmare. (Lightning strikes).

I wonder how many people are going to misread this as an GTAIIIHD for PSN.

Just a figure of speech, which I'll change for you, buckaroo. You're a madman if you think no one will buy a Sony-licensed Smash clone - if only by virtue of the fact that this kind of party brawler is a rare breed. And just like Mario and Link draw a crowd, Drake and Kratos have their fans, 's'well. Sony's "opening

Oh, you should definitely finish it, then, so you know what you're talking about.

I'm excited for this (and hopefully it lights a fire under Namco's ass for the Smash sequel[s]). I'm a bit disappointed that there aren't many female combatants - Nix and Kuo were better Infamous choices than a moral-parallel Cole, but there's always room for Chloe or Elena I suppose.

You seem really defensive of a property you couldn't be bothered to finish. You should do that sometime, it's a great game.

I am, too. Here's hoping Namco gets a fire lit under its ass with this serious competitor.

It had two challenge / puzzle modes - one in which you had to power a carousel, another in which you had to collect items, both used a limited arsenal. It had an added difficulty mode as well. Infinite has an exclusive freebie with 2007's Bioshock on PS3, and there's a Vita game that's (probably) still in the works. I

Moving hair is difficult to render. Hopefully there are fewer bald or helmeted characters in the coming generation.

Quell your fears, child. Properties become increasingly iconic as they're given more exposure. I'm sure Smash Bros. Melee's combatants of Marth and Roy had an impact on the popularity of the later-localized Fire Emblems, for instance. And while, yes, Spike from Ape Escape is no Link, he's certainly more recognizable

Relax - the stages are all dynamic. I'd hope that the muted stages have colorful intrusions from other games to liven the palette.