
I've a black pug, and this hugely inspires me to get a red wig and a tiny plastic handgun for her.

Dead Space 3, Last of Us, Halo, Watchdogs?

Once I saw the scowl I didn't bother looking for any further region info!

Totally missed that. Good eye!

My eyes bled slightly more from the Squeenix one, but maybe that was just my preference of color palate and Near-East aesthetic.

This must be the American box art, because the protagonist has angry eyes and a scowl. I love how even Kirby, a pink marshmallow, sports a 'tude on American box art.

Hopefully they're remastering and orchestrating PD Zwei's soundtrack and giving it a proper PD aesthetic. Hopefully. :/

The reason it seems lackluster is that for the last several years Sony and Microsoft have been withholding software being developed for their next-generation machines, so they have a launch window that doesn't look like the 3DS'. Or the Wii U's. At least I hope that's the reason there've been fewer, and safer, titles

"I would never hit a woman, generally, Chloe! I'd hit a woman who was trying to hit me with a bottle."

I really can't tell if I'm going to like buttons below analog sticks less or more than above, though I suppose most software is so reliant on a shoulder setup now it's not too big a deal.

With narrative, it's not the what, it's the how. The Road had the same tired pablum (minus the somewhat-dead) and was critically lauded. And, hey, here they're fungal-bies!

It was phrased the way it was to accrue pageclicks. It's just the nature of the beast.

(Head explodes).

"Square Enix is releasing a brand new original old-school Final Fantasy game."

They're great. I was kind of hoping for a fully claymation one, though, a la Skullmonkeys. They'd had a lot of fun clay-inspired artwork in Pikmin 2, it was a neat motif.

With all the bro-fanity and the cover mechanics, it didn't really feel like Dead Space. I loved those first two games somethin' fierce, I feel like co-op really dampens the fear aspect.

I hope you can change the parameters of kills / points. I've always played the Smash games with items off, and the method of acquiring kills in this is basically "deal damage until you get a Smash ball."

I meant Titanic as in "well into its lifecycle," not "it's a hulking, sinking mess." And I want to buy a new box, I don't know why they're not taking my money already.

I was thinking the same thing when they said it.