This is what you designed?
This is what you designed?
You have nothing to worry about.
Ice water, the colder the better
So you like sheep and carribuo. And rugby. joke. I do the haka against misogyny with you. Probably misogyny in the haka too just because. Please accept my words as kind though from an ass.
It’s just one of those things that we have to get used to.
My father asked me if we should go there, me driving obviously. I’ld think it was awesome. He would start giving me instructions about how to reverse from the driveway...I have driven 240kmh comfortably and turned into an idiot at 20kph. He taught me about driving in the gravel in an Alfa 90 in Finland. It’s hard to…
Your Recaro is strapped in the wrong way.
The hope of anal.
why are sports in the news every night?
German design should be limited to the technical components. Try selling that concept at Alfa,
The weekend is models. I have fun on weekdays.
It was pretty turbulent in the books.
Congrats to the all blacks.
Family reunions must be a bitch!
I didn’t do better but the last piece to the puzzle was hard. I enjoyed it though.
I’m old so getting misty and cope landing my girlfriend then I’m happy. I know it’s stupid.
Letterman always paid his respect to those who fought or served and we should too.
You must regret that?
We will only sell you red cups.