
Perhaps Jimmy will provide evidence that his behavior was justified because of his brothers condition.

And the problem with opening a review on the subject of "offensive nudity" is that you eventually have to sift through two or three hundred comments on the subject (and hardly no one agreed with him). So it seems like "comment bait" - and with WestWorld you don't need comment bait. (It's not Supergirl, after all.)

Getting shot by a "rouge gun" would explain the "accident" Arnold suffered. But it also creates another mystery or two. Who buried the gun? Who told Deloris where to find it? Was it used on the person intended?

"The questions is, is it that William kills Arnold because of something Arnold does to Delores when she leads them to each other?"

All good questions. I'm not a book reader so I don't know how the exchange of faces works. I assumed you had to remove your own face (ie.. become "No One") to attach another. If that is the case, it would explain why the Waifs face is in the hall.

The Waif killed Arya. The dialogue with Jaqen makes more sense. The Waif is "No One"… until she assumed the identity of Arya Stark of Winterfell. The script was carefully written and directed to conceal what actually happened.

And if the Waif actually killed Arya? Would that justify the planning and pacing of the past two seasons?

The many faced god plans well ahead, If I were an occult of assassins it would only make sense to assume a Stark identity in Westeros. Imagine the information that could possibly become available to Arya. It might also explain just how effective they are at accomplishing their objectives. I see plenty of plot, I'm

What evidence do we have that Arya won against the Waif? Perhaps Arya was killed and the Waif took her identity. Wasn't the Waif also in training? Wouldn't the victory over Arya also make her "No One"? And wouldn't the Waif's her first assignment be to assume Arya's Identity and travel to Winterfell?

I think Sansa sent a Raven to Ramsey as an attempt to draw him out of Winterfell and into a defenseless position. I recently saw a theory the Ramsey gets taken prisoner and the letter drawing him out would facilitate his capture.

It would be an epic move for Sansa to draw Ramsey out of Winterfell and into a defenseless position against an army of Wildlings. So yes, I believe this is something very plausible… Sansa drawing from the teachings of Littlefinger, conquering Winterfell in one (non-violent) fell swoop and thus regaining support of

If Jon had anywhere near a Littlefinger Level of Levelheadedness he would simply remind those houses who break their oath that when the Nights King breaks through the wall he will ensure their path of least resistance leads directly to their courtyard.

She could have written to Ramsey, trying to draw him out of the castle and into a defenseless position.

I read this thinking I could get rich at home doing nothing. They make Turkey Spam now?

Actually, the "International Assasin" episode was nominated by the Screen Writers Guild for "2016 Episodic Drama of the Year". So the people with the shiny hardware gave it an "A".

The omission of Limitless validates the AVClub. In the words of Forrest McNeil, "Not reviewing Limitless, 5 stars."

You are clearly not hoarding up on your fashion magazines or realizing your true potential if you leave out the carnage that is the Aliens vs LifeSpring Community. A little self actualization might be in order, ya know. Maybe stop thinkin bout the shop and kids for, ya know, just a minute.

I'm not sure how you can compare the Leftovers, a show that provides no answers to any questions, to a show like Fargo, that answers every question on a, how you say it, microscopic level.

I'm more worried about Edgar's (I didn't know it was a school) PTSD than Gretchen's depression in relationship to the gun. Then you have Lindsey, who is not immune to depression, going through a divorce. This could go lots of ways so hopefully the Bullet Store (lol) is closed when they go shopping.

Catastrophe S2E1 premiered October 27 in the UK. It's not available on Amazon Prime yet and I didn't see the release date during a search. Last year it was a 3-4 month delay.