
@crapcakes: Only for now, and only because developers have to support the iControlPad's functions before you can use them on regular App Store games. Would have been nice if they'd released an API to developers a few months ago so support could be built-in in the interim, but give it time and we might see some

@MrVakarian: I don't know about him, but I don't think any amount of preparation short of the threat of being fired could have suppressed the gigglefits when it came time to actually do the piece. I'm not even sure about that threat, either.

I keep both around, as there are times when one can identify a song that the other can't. It never hurts to have a little backup. I do find that SoundHound tends to be able to identify more obscure songs; if one of the incidental tracks from CSI comes on that I think sounds interesting, SoundHound is more likely to

Twiki. I mean, look at him. He's shaped like a penis.

True — but generally when Jobs is lying to keep things secret he doesn't disparage the idea. He simply says there are no plans or whatever, and then suddenly there are. With the 7" tablet idea, Jobs went on about how you'd have to sharpen your fingers to be able to use it effectively because it's so small. (I think

Value isn't the issue though. If Apple doesn't vigorously pursue infringements on their IP, regardless of how silly they are, they risk losing those patents, marks, or whatever it is being infringed upon. Something as silly as an iPad cutting board, even if it's not called an iPad cutting board, is still something

Steve himself said you wont' see a 7" iPad, so, no ... not likely.

Yeah, really not getting the complaint here. My iPad has phenomenal battery life. I have to really work to drain it. If the next gen has the same battery life despite being MORE powerful? Damn right I'll take it.

From a legal standpoint I'm not sure if that makes any difference. Design is still intellectual property, even if it's a silly iPad-esque cutting board, and Apple probably has to pursue it if the guy's making a buck or two off it. I don't think it's appreciably different than using the likeness of the Pillsbury

@linuxpirates: Well, even with proximate battery life to the iPhone, I also shove my iPhone into an Exolife battery case for roughly twice the juice, which is kind of important for me, and I don't really see such things for Android phones. (There are extermal chargers, which are fine in a pinch, but I like not having

@linuxpirates: Do I detect a little proselytizing? In fact, no, I have not tried the Nexus S — though it looks like a very nice smartphone, but I have used recent versions of Android; ignoring for the moment custom front-ends, Android is nice. It's got lots of nice features and has realized a great deal of its

@Full_Melt_Bubble: By general definition, a fanboy is someone who will not only defend a platform, often irrationally, and even ignore or justify its flaws, but is also someone who will actively proselytize for their platform of choice and deride any who choose differently, because they can't or won't acknowledge

@KingSheep03: Rich? That's a laugh. I don't even make enough to be considered middle class. The one and only reason I can afford a new iPhone each year is because my carrier allows early hardware upgrades at fully subsidized pricing for iPhones. I sell my old one for close to what I paid for the new new one

@buttnugget: I doubt his mom found out about this on her own, so she was acting on his behalf.

@Settings: That was, in an oblique way, what I was inferring by embracing it. Turn it around and laugh at them, show everyone how little effect it has on you, how much your ex must still want you if she put that much work into making you look bad. If you give people buttons to push, people will push them. If you

@wagedomain: I bet quite a few things will be interesting for him now, what with his copyrighted pictures swirling around the Googlenet and story making its rounds on the blogosphere. He'll be getting a lot of mom jokes, that's for sure.

I've owned every iPhone model, and have an iPad and a MacBook Pro, but am not a fanboy. I've also owned dumbphones, Palm and Windows Mobile phones, and my Mac doesn't get used nearly as much as my PC. I do like the iPad though. I do use my iPhone quite a bit, and the iPad gets a fair bit of use too. I'll

There are two ways this could have been dealt with.