
I'll wait 'til we get a touch mouse that allows configurable gestures, and more of them. I never use Aero Snap, and wouldn't use the Expose-style gridview either. Plus, every Microsoft mouse I've owned has developed functionality issues more quickly than almost any other mouse I've owned. Granted I haven't owned

@justin0025: I have to say, I've never really had any trouble with Rogers. Decent 3G speeds most anywhere I go and I've only ever dropped maybe half a dozen calls in the more than 5 years I've been with them. That's not to say they aren't expensive, but I can't really say I have any serious complaints about them.

@NickelMD: I'm 39. In technology terms, we're the goddamn ENIACs of humans. We're Pong. We're Space War. We're pinball tables that still went "Ding." At one time, we thought digital watches were a pretty neat idea, and only until recently did PDA mean something other than Public Display of Affection.

They covered something like this on an episode of Bones.

That's quite a versatile accessory, I have to admit. Full rotation, numerous different positions for different tasks, and it doubles as a case, which is pretty awesome. For $80 I'd seriously consider this.

@fritzwolf: Wavy Excition? Wavy Zit-ion? Wavy Crossed-ion? Wavy Tension? Yeah, this is going to generate zero word-of-mouth, as those mouths wouldn't have a clue how to say it.

I always sell my stuff off either on local forums or eBay. Especially iPhones; I tend to upgrade every year so I can usually get close to what it'll cost me to upgrade selling off the previous generation stuff. Mind you I keep everything minty (cases, protectors, etc.) with all of the original packaging and

They still sell those damned Q-Ray bracelets at the As Seen On TV store near me. Those, along with the rest of the snake oil peddlers, should all be made to publicly apologize — on television, during a month's worth of prime time slots once an hour, paid for with the money they bilked out of the gullible saps who

@blueTitanium: I'm kind of surprised this expression isn't more widely known. I've been hearing it for years.

@bitgod: Yeah, but the blood will be chocolate sauce.

I don't know what a quark is outside of particle physics, but I want to smash my monitor into long, jagged shards and shove them up his.

Feh. Why Monster? They make massively overpriced shit. Team up with some real can designers like Sennheiser or something. Then at least they'll sound good AND look cool doing it.

@telepheedian: I loved the PortaPros back in the day. Went through three of 'em. They were cheap, and they leaked like a sieve, but they had massive sound for what they were.

It seems like Mike is deliberately making RIM's smartphones underwhelming in order to provide a more stark contrast between them and the Playbook — basically making the Playbook look attractive by comparison.

Eat me, BP. You've spewed more bullshit than oil since the spill began. Take your paddling and piss off. Try not to destroy any more ecosystems or livelihoods on your way, would you? There's a good corporate citizen.

@thinkthis: I have the Exogear Exolife, which does the same thing. There's no real improvement that I've noticed, it just seems more audible because the sound is coming at you instead of blowing out the bottom.

@Laertus: So generally, aside from the good news that the FCC won't allow blocking/slowing sites as they see fit, the only real "bad" news is tiered plans and caps. I can understand that to a degree; our providers started implementing caps about 5 or 6 years ago and we weren't too happy about it, but the truth is

I've always managed to upgrade my phones on the cheap by saving every bit of packaging except the shrinkwrap and taking excellent care of them (cases, protectors). Matter of fact I made money on my iPhone 4 purchase because the HUP pricing was lower than it was in previous years, so I sold two 3GS units for slightly

So, that's it? Internet providers can provide tiered plans? I didn't even know they didn't do this already in the US. In Canada we've had tiered services for years: Don't use the net much? Get that little 3mbit/5 gig plan. More? Step up to 10mbit and 70 gigs, and so on. I've got a 25mbit/150 gigs plan which is