
Your ignorance of a term does not make my statement false. You do not have to be white to engage in White Feminist(TM) bullshit. I said what the fuck I said; this is White Feminist(TM) bullshit. The skin color of the woman does not change that one iota.

This is more than likely white women not wanting to be seen as “old” and taking it out on a kid.

When you eat at McDonald's you are agreeing to eat farts. It says it right on the menu. 


They actually are. What you’re describing is precisely how battery management software works. Your phone shuts down before the battery is completely discharged.

Windows key + L will lock your desktop, too.

That title is gold. 

I’ve noticed that when my key is in the same pants pocket as my phone, my keyless doors don’t open when I touch my door handle (2015 WRX limited). Wondering if my phone is doing the same thing as described in the article?

No doubt. The “Pool Patrollers” only end up embarrassing themselves. The “Neighborhood Watchers” kill people.

Sign this absolving of us all safety concerns or else you’re an unemployed ‘History of Belgium in the 16th Century’ major” seems a bit coercive.

He’s not being criticized for the act speaking his mind. He’s being rightly criticized for tacitly supporting silencing protesters.

Preach on brother, and I commend and respect the hell out of Jerry for toeing the line and stopping all concession stands, parking, and ticket taking while the Anthem is playing.

This is the whole crux of the argument. I don’t think anyone is denying that Dak has bills to pay, or a family to feed, and that he works for the one owner in the NFL who’s willing to be a dick and openly demand that his players stand. That was never the problem.

We (people that aren’t neo-nazis) don’t ask why Jewish people didn’t rise up against Hitler. Assholes are assholes and victims are victims. it’s unreasonable to demand proof that Dak was ordered to toe the line.

But Dak Prescott is no different than the man who cuts off his dreadlocks to comply with his company dress code. He is no different than the ones who say nothing when someone in the boardroom makes a slightly bigoted joke.

I’m not saying what they did wasn’t wrong and illegal. But they moonlight at a trucking company and get suspended, while other cops are literally getting away with murder and get to keep their jobs. There’s something really off about that.

Shut the fuck up.

Can we stop telling the lie that Betsy DeVos has the best interest of this nation’s students at heart?

Where are all of these monuments to Hitler used to remind us to have “the discussion” regarding his atrocities?

Here, ladies and gentlemen, you can see the Whataboutism in its natural habitat.