
you are not your best advocate. you have a case that you bury beneath sanctimony.

You make a valid point, but I think that women of color might have it worse not because of more instances of rape necessarily, but rather when those instance occur, they are even less likely to be believed or sympathized with.

The fact that you assume women of color are only preyed upon by black men says everything I need to know about you. Also, flagged.

You can’t start from rest then have movement without acceleration. But you can have movement without acceleration. Constant velocity for example has a derivative (acceleration) of zero.

Literbikes have been in this arena for a couple decades now. In fact, horsepower-to-weight, they still beat most million dollar cars at a cost two orders of magnitude lower. As you mentioned, most of these cars are not bought as a solution to the problem of not-enough-power, but as a “look how much money and

You can hold on each activity for a 2nd function (eg, short press tv sets up cable, long press takes you to roku)

You can hold on each activity for a 2nd function (eg, short press tv sets up cable, long press takes you to roku)

My white Thanksgiving this year is scheduled to include a family photo where, swear to God, my dear sweet mother wanted all the men to wear denim shirts and all the ladies to wear puffy vests. I told her this was the whitest thing I had ever asked to be involved in, and that counts the Cub Scouts and Junior Rotary.

Well, if you have 10K legit then pretty damn high. I’d imagine that even some people that could do that simply wouldn’t bother. Looking at the video above Heather only has a little over 8K after 50 minutes! I know I don’t have that kind of patience for tedious nonsense. I haven’t even tried the jump rope mini game

Already you’re kind of working under the premise of a lack of trust.

How common goes it have to be before a complaint is ‘legitimate’ do you think?

He’s not wondering. He’s being dismissive. He came to a black site written for a black audience and said our experiences sound rare and are akin to urban legends. There’s no curiosity in his comment. This is genuine curiosity. See how this person is not saying that black women are probably telling fables perpetrated

if i were to follow the root to its core anything white people do is stupid

If they weren’t visible to you, then it’s because you chose to (1) not click to see responses pending approval (2) wrote a knee jerk reactionary comment based on your apparent dislike of The Root within 5 minutes of the article posting up. So yeah, that is on you.

The president of the US is Trump. Black lives matters is getting more hate for suggesting unarmed black people shouldn’t be shot by police than mass shooters (all white) get.

“People were racist in the past” is true, but the part where you imagine we’re past it and there’s no relevance to today is wrong.

Not just

The problem here is that it wasn’t just “your ancestors”. It’s your grandmother. Your uncle. A non-zero number of people that you’re likely to sit down with for thanksgiving dinner in a few weeks. Maybe even you.

Unless the Bee Gees sang about Vietnam and/or war, your analogy is off of the mark. The criticism is couched in the fact that the borrowed animation style is one directly linked to the negative portrayal of African-Americans. Simple saying, “well, we think the style is cool” does an extreme disservice to any potential

This is a problem with “word” wheels for conversations in many games (Mass Effect, Fallout 4, etc.). It is much better to just put the actual thing the character is going to say and give us a few extra seconds to pick it.

Hmmm... I don’t know, that Cell costume still needs some work to be perfect.

Holy shit. Just pointing out that the majority of sane people do not agree with this retarded statement. Arrogance is demanding retroactive payment for playing games that you chose with your own free will lmao.

The kneeling was started as a protest against the cheapness black life is held in, particularly when it comes to police officers. If you want to be against the protests because you think that’s not true, then I think that requires a certain amount of willful ignorance. I don’t think anyone can dispute that for