I’ve had Destiny pretty close since launch and I’ve never done a raid too. It’s just one of things where I guess I’m too anti-social/ scared to do lol.
I’ve had Destiny pretty close since launch and I’ve never done a raid too. It’s just one of things where I guess I’m too anti-social/ scared to do lol.
PS4, and I did go through most of VoG once.
I found a group on the LFG and we made it to Atheon no problem, but one of the guys who’d also never run it grabbed the relic accidentally and the fireteam leader went totally apeshit and started unloading on everyone like it was some huge deal. They guy dropped it almost…
I have almost the opposite problem as you. The MX Revolution and Performance MX felt perfect in my hand. After about a month of daily use, I’m still having a hard time adjusting to the Master.
You know you won’t boycott it
At some point Greedo will shoot first and purists will rampage.
I'm not sure about you, but all the EE's I've worked with have had to learn how to program to some degree during their education.
Actually, I’ve known quite a lot of network architects that have EE degrees. Most of them were also CCIEs. Your degree does not decree what you will do or who you will be in your life.
Yes, engineering. W/out a degree there would be no internships or co-ops...thus no job now. I think a lot of degrees are not worth it though...
Oh, no no no no no. I know Excel inside and out, and it gets you is all the highly paid engineers, architects, and planners insisting that you do their work. And remember, don't complain because they are the real moneymakers for the company and you are oh-so-easily replaceable. I have made it a very serious point to…
Updated image title: "How to pick the best hairstyle for your face shape [assuming you have straight hair]"
I can appreciate the advice, but... There's just something wrong about recommending what other activities you should do while playing the game. Like "Find whatever alternative source of stimulation you can to prevent the mind-numbing repetition from making you braindead!"
How about Ordering Jimmy Johns from the Command Line?
How old are you?? Q Tip has been famous since the start of the 90s. Unless you're over 50 or uninterested in hip hop, you have no excuse. Or are you trolling?
"Lawyer" is not an insult. In most circles, "asshole" is. If you were not arguing with me I apologize. I am still waiting for someone to both 1) call me a name and 2) vigorously dispute one of these myths (preferably with the preface that they TL;dr'd the piece - which I know, you did not do).
You might call them bad managers, those of us with experiences being members of disadvantaged groups call them pretty common or the norm. In the comment that Dave deleted, I linked to Nitisha's piece on the very real effects these sorts of tests have on women and minorites. Why publish a piece advocating for a metric…
Careful, this author tends to make posts go down the memory hole when someone disagrees with him.
Your company sounds like a nightmare of thinly-veiled bigotry and labor law violations.
most people wouldn't take "break a tie by choosing the person i want to hang out with" as a cue to choose the person DIFFERENT from them because it'll lead to interesting conversation. the subconscious bias toward hiring people like them is already known and proven many times over - add a conscious "lifehacker/muse…
'Culture fit' is actually a very bad way to assess potential employees and contributes to non-diverse, subtle discrimination. It's increasingly being called out as ineffective and harmful. Not to mention, borderline illegal.