
I wish I was you. My son is 19 months and is pretty hooked on tech. I've made a lot of mistakes clearly. 2 out of three adults in our home work from home on a computer and he wants to copy everything we do. He is totally disinterested in TV because it isn't interactive and the same goes for books. I'm working to turn

I don't think oprah wants her to jump. I think she wants to take credit for "fixing" Lyndsey. If she succeeds, it's win-win for everyone.

Jealousy is ugly.

I would know her name if I saw it in the same sentence as his, otherwise........nothing.

I've never known anyone to drop the "Le" but maybe it's a design icon to design icon thing. They can gets down like that.

Would I be correct in assuming then, that the average take home pay, with tips included, for servers at your restaurant exceeds the $7 McDonald's workers get. I'm asking this because I've possibly misunderstood the position. I was thinking servers didn't like the tip system because the arbitrary nature of the giving

That was dismissive and condescending.... Ok, let's talk about the kind of person you are. You have called me a liar, asinine and cheap in the course of this conversation, but apparently you are a regular paragon of respect and humanity. Let me give you a tip, and it's worth about 30% of joy to the people who have to

Thanks for the pat on the back, I can always use one. I did a little research and it turns out, the system doesn't need changing after all because if a servers take home plus tips doesn't meet the minimum wage, their employer is required to make up the difference, but apparently this is quite rare( usually in cases of

The fact that your personal experiences do not mirror mine is neither here nor there. Not everyone is as charitable as you purport to be, and scamming extra bucks from tourists probably makes up for the non tipping Delawarians. I don't "pay" wait staff, they are not my employees, so I'm not legally required to wonder

She wasn't invited, she was kanyes plus one and style.com cut her out of the pictures with him or referred to her as a guest. Times have changed.
It's the "shape issue" anyway, and they have a tendency to go a bit "pop culture" with that one and it's not like they don't need new readers. I started buying vogue when I

That wage is not fair and asking servers to depend on the kindness of strangers is also not fair for either side. I don't understand what a "right to work state" is or why you don't have the collective power to protest this.

When navigating this minefield, if I was asked for a gratuity when paying by card, in an attempt to do the right thing, I would ask what was customary. I have NEVER been told anything less than 25%. Also, when I've given the 10% that is typical where I come from, I have been confronted on more than one occasion.

Fellow Brit, and nobody will be able to convince me that giving a 10% tip (or a tip of any value) is stingy.

It's in my nature to tip for service, but I hate this "servers don't earn enough" argument. Do you know who else doesn't earn enough, homeless people and people without jobs but I don't see wait staff doing the weekly 20% whip around to hand over their cash to them.
In the states, especially New York, if you don't hand

I'm not american. Where I come from, a tip is really a way of showing you appreciate great service not an obligation. Also where I come from, the pay at McDonald's is shit but no one gets tips there. Is the pay at mcdonalds and fast food joints good in the states as opposed to someone working in a restaurant or a nail

You win.

I'm with you on the lean in

I didn't do it intentionally, but I've seen nothing of Beyonce's visual album.

I've never finished a hp movie. Too much boredom.

That's actually what I'm talking about. In the black community few people would encourage a size 4 to lose weight because "skinny" isn't an aesthetic that is necessarily prized, but as you pointed out,in the white community, you will be encouraged to lose weight regardless of how you look as a "bonding" thing so there